

本文從解剖及臨床應用的觀點,提出以boomerang皮瓣來重建遠端指節軟組織複合性缺損。此皮瓣係利用相鄰指的近端指節之背外側皮膚設計而成的逆行性島狀皮瓣,它可供來挽救受傷嚴重的手指。 從1998至2000年,總共有10隻遠端指節受傷病例在本院接受 boomerang皮瓣覆蓋手術,所有受傷指的皮膚缺損均合併有骨骼、關節或肌腱的暴露。有兩位病人是因指腹缺損接受帶神經血管之皮瓣覆蓋以重建指腹感覺功能。 此皮瓣不但保留了主要的指動脈,並且提供一個足夠延展的皮瓣,來覆蓋遠端指節缺損,而含神經的皮瓣則可重建指腹的感覺功能。




The anatomic and clinical bases for the reliable and versatile boomerang flap in reconstruction of complex distal finger injuries are presented. This one-step procedure, utilizing the dorsolateral skin of the proximal phalanx of an adjacent digit as a reverse island flap, has proved valuable in the salvage of severely injured digits. The boomerang flap was applied in ten cases with distal phalanx injuries. Soft tissue defects in all patients were combined with bone, joint, or tendon exposure. The flaps were transferred as a neurovascular flap for sensory resurfacing of the major pulp loss. This flap preserves the proper palmar digital artery to the fingertip and provides an extended and innervated skin paddle to cover finger soft tissue defect as well as to improve flap sensibility in the distal pulp.
