  • 期刊

Marjolin's Ulcer with an Unusual Verrucous Appearance-A Case Report

以疣狀上皮癌(Verrucous Carcinoma)為表現的Marjolin潰瘍-病例報告及文獻回顧


疣狀上皮癌是一種的扁平上皮細胞癌,細胞通常表現出生長緩慢、分化良好,在臨床上則常常表現出疣狀潰瘍並且有許多惡臭的分泌物。Marjolin潰瘍是用來描述從皮膚的慢性潰瘍、竇或疤痕中長出的惡性變化,尤其是從燒燙傷疤痕長出的。 本院報告一個Marjolin潰瘍病例,一個女性病患在55歲時因為右側膝後膕的慢性潰瘍來到門診求治,術中冷凍病理切片證實為疣狀上皮癌,所以她接受了距病灶邊緣兩公分以上的擴大切除和補皮,病理切片證實切除邊緣及底部已無任何疣狀上皮癌,術後定期追蹤兩個月後就失去追蹤,但當時傷口已愈合並且病人已可以走路,沒有任何復發或轉移的跡象。然而,兩年後這個病患再度回到門診求治,並表示潰瘍的復發已有半年且持續擴大中。X光和核磁共振顯示癌細胞已侵犯到膝關節、腓骨上緣和附近的軟組織。理學檢查也發現到鼠膝部的淋巴結腫大,病理切片證實為轉移性的疣狀上皮癌。因此,她接受了膝上截肢,術後轉到了腫瘤科繼續化學治療。 我們發現在Marjolin潰瘍的相關資料中,雖然大多數是扁平上皮細胞癌,但都沒有著墨太多在疣狀上皮癌。本文的目的除了報告這一例在Marjolin潰瘍中,比較少見的疣狀上皮癌之外,我們在此提供我們診治的經驗並作了一些文獻的回顧。




Marjolin's ulcer is the term to describe a carcinoma arising in chronic ulcers, sinus tracts or burn scars. Squamous cell carcinoma resulting from the Marjolin ulcer have a much greater tendency to metastasize than squamous cell carcinoma resulting from other causes. Confusion about the precise pathophysiology of this lesion and the clinical behavior of this neoplasm continues and the mortality and morbidity rate are also conflicting with the histologic grade. As would be expected, there are a wide variety of suggested treatment protocols for this disease. We present a case of Marjolin's ulcer in the form of verrucous carcinoma over the right popliteal region in a 57-year-old female. This article through the case report and review of the literature, offers the management of Marjolin's ulcer in the lower extremity.
