  • 期刊


The Regional Difference in the Efficacy of GIS Teaching in High Schools


臺灣高中教育在88課標時,首次將地理資訊系統(以下簡稱GIS)的內容納入高三選修的應用地理課程中,在95暫綱時,更將GIS從高三選修改放在高一必修的內容中,此項改變對高中地理教育的意義重大,除了是普及GIS知能的有效途徑,使學生的學習能與社會脈動接軌;也是資訊技術與地理課程整合的重要層面。因此,對於GIS教育議題的研究頗多,然而這些研究通常研究對象樣本少、多以實驗研究法為主,也常忽略實施的區域差異,本研究為補強過去之不足,選擇以正實施新課程之公立高中的地理教師和學生,以縣市為單位進行分層抽樣調查,期冀了解現階段的GIS教學運作情形與探究GIS教育的實施是否存在著區域差異。全台灣180間公立高中共有104間學校收到本研究的調查問卷,有78間學校回寄,有效問卷75份,無效問卷3份,回收率達75%,有效率達72%,其中學生問卷共2,032份,老師問卷250份。本研究利用 SPSS進行相關統計,結果得到以下幾點發現:1.中部地區GIS的專業軟體和硬體設備環境優於其他三個區域;2.教師地理資訊素養的區域差異並不明顯;3.東部較其他地區的教師有更高的比例會在GIS課程進行時展示相關軟體,並且以作業或指導競賽的方式讓學生熟練軟體;4.學生的地理資訊素養是有區域差異的,東部地區在多個評估項目中表現高於其他地區,但是要將課堂所學的知識應用在生活當中表現則不出色。


It is of great significance to incorporate Geographic Information System (GIS) into high school geographic education. For one thing, it is an effective approach to the promotion of GIS, which connects student learning to socioeconomic development. For another, it integrates information technology with geography courses. The past studies in this field were inadequate as they had a small sample size, adopted the quasi-experimental method mainly, and neglected the regional difference. To enhance the reliability, in this study, geography teachers and students of public schools who are having new courses are, based on administrative districts, selected and sampled separately for the purpose of understanding the current condition of GIS teaching and investigating whether regional difference exists in GIS teaching. 104 among the 180 public high schools in Taiwan received the questionnaire for this study. 78 of them replied, 75 among which were valid while 3 null. The replying rate is 75%, and the validity rate 72%. Copies from students total 2032 and from teachers 250.Statistical methods like SPSS, ANOVA and Chi-square test are adopted to analyze the regional difference in the efficacy of GIS teaching in high schools. The findings are as follows. First, the central area is better-equipped with GIS-related software and hardware than the other three areas. Second, there is no significant regional difference in teachers' geographic information literacy. Third, a higher proportion of teachers in the eastern area demonstrate related software when teaching GIS, and familiarize their students with the software via giving assignments or entering competitions. Fourth, there is no significant regional difference in students' geographic information literacy and learning background.


王萬里 (2007) GIS的發展與中學生地理資訊素養的培養,http://geo.cersp.com/。下載日期:【2009.11.08】
