  • 期刊


Assessing the Management Effectiveness of an Intertidal Attendance Control Area


小琉球是位於臺灣西南部的島嶼,近十幾年來島上遊客數量逐年增加。在大量遊客的遊憩壓力下,遊客的踩踏造成潮間帶生物種類日益減少,生物族群量逐年衰退。為了保育潮間帶,政府於2012年進行國內首次實施的潮間帶遊客總量管制。本研究主要調查小琉球杉福潮間帶,在實施遊客總量管制前後,遊客和潮間帶物種數量的變化,作為經營成效的比較。調查後發現,實施遊客總量管制後,杉福潮間帶遊客人數明顯減少。管制後的2012與2013年8至11月的生物種類、物種總數、族群密度、豐富度、均勻度、生物多樣性,均較2011年有明顯的增加。而在此三年中離岸20公尺內遊客踩踏壓力較大的區域,物種增加的數量有限; 在離岸較遠水深較深處或地形崎嶇的潮池,有較多物種的增加。雖然潮間帶遊客總量經管制後人數已大有減少,但假日仍有大量遊客進入潮間帶,遊憩壓力仍在物種數量恢復有限,未來應減少假日潮間帶遊客數量,並持續對潮間帶物種進行監測,擬定恰當的參觀人數,方能達到潮間帶永續經營目標。


The Xiaoliuqiu Island is located in southwest Taiwan. Over the past decade, the number of visitors to the island has increased every year. Owing to extensive recreational activity and trampling by visitors, some species of plants and animals have become evanescent. Thus, the biological population has been declining every year. In order to protect the intertidal species of Shiao liu-chio, the government initiated attendance control in 2012, the first time that this has been done in Taiwan. This study focuses on the changes in the number of visitors and species in the Sanfu Intertidal Zone after implementation of the Sanfu Attendance Control Area. In this investigation, we found that the number of tourists in the Sanfu Intertidal Zone markedly declined. Compared with data obtained in 2011, prior to the attendance control, the number of total species, number of individual specimens, density, biological diversity, and other bio-indexes increased in 2012 and 2013. In addition, most individual specimens were found in the deeper water area, more than 20 meters away from the seashore, and underwater in deep ponds. Although the number of tourists has reduced, the number of species in the Sanfu Intertidal Zone has only slightly increased because there are still large numbers of tourists during weekends and holidays. This research suggests that in the future, the number of tourists in the Intertidal Zone during weekends and holidays should be reduced. The biological population in the Intertidal Zone should continue to be monitored, and a more appropriate number of visitors should be allowed in order to attain sustainable management in the future.


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