  • 期刊


Chronic Gastrointestinal Problems in SCI Patients



脊髓損傷患者除了肢體及神經性膀胱功能不良外,亦常有胃腸方面的困擾,且其病理機轉及臨床表現與一般人有所不同。為瞭解脊隨損傷患者之胃腸問題,故進行此項研究。 本研究採用問卷方式。於民國80年9月至12月期間對台南,嘉義地區脊髓完全損傷患者進行調查。郵寄問卷共52份,回收43份。男性38例,女性5例。年齡之分佈從18歲至69歲。脊髓損傷期間從1年至41年。其中四肢麻痺者12例,下肢麻痺者31例。 結果顯示,胃腸不適方面,脹氣者有18例(42.8%),腹部疼痛者有14例(32.6%),痔瘡者有14例(32.6%),噁心,嘔吐者有11例(25.6%)。排便習慣方面17例為每天排便一次或一次以上,19例為每二天排便一次。須依賴藥物以幫助排便者有23例。曾因胃腸問題而住院者有2例,接受人工造簍手術者有1例。至於排使情形有21例可獨自排便,另22例則須別人幫忙。 很多脊髓損傷患者為胃腸問題所困擾,且影響其生活品質。封於脊髓損傷患者胃腸問題進一步探討有助於解決其困擾及提昇生活品質。


脊髓損傷 胃腸問題


Spinal cord injury (SCI) patients suffered from motor and sensory impairement, as well as neurogenic bladder dysfunction and gastrointestinal (GI) problems. The pathogenesis and clinical presentation of GI problems in SCI patients are different from that of the general populations. This study is to evaluate the GI problems in SCI patients. Questionares were mailed to 52 SCI patients lived in Tainan or Chai-I from Sept 1991 to Dec 1991. Fourty-three questionares were sent back. There are 38 male and 5 female patients. The age distribution is from 18 year-old to 69 year-old. The interval of SCI is from 1 year to 41 years. There are 12 quadriplegics and 31 paraplegics. After SCI, eighteen of the patients had abdominal distension, 14 of the patients had occasional abdominal pain, 14 of the patients had hemorrhoid, 11 of the patients had nausea, vomiting. Seventeen persons had one stool passage every day, 19 persons had one stool passage every two days. Twenty-three persons were dependent on drugs for stool passage. For care of stool passage, 21 persons are independent and 22 persons need assistance. Many SCI patients suffered from chronic gastrointestinal problems and their life quality was affected. Further investigation and treatment should be made in the future.


