  • 期刊


Cervical Spondylosis with Unilateral Symmptomatic Radiculopathy and Radiculopathy on the Asymptomatic Side



本研究之目的,是探討骨病患因頸椎退化性關節炎,造成單側神經症狀時,其對側由針極肌電圖診斷為神經根病變的發生率.並探討兩側病變的關係。 以32位僅單側有神經根病變症狀的頸椎退化性關節炎的病患為實驗。所有病患均接受雙側上肢的神經傳導檢查,和測試上肢及頸部由C-5至T-l五條神經根所支配的肌肉群的肌電圖。 結果顯示,在症狀側經肌電圖證實有神經根病變的病患中,其對側亦發生神經根病變的發生率達87.5%(28/32)。而且,無症狀側神經根病變的程度,與症狀側神經根病變的程度,是相關的;但與症狀側神經傳導檢查的異常與否,以及臨床病程的長短,是不相關的。 所以,在臨床上,當頸椎退化性開節炎的病患,因單側症狀性的神經根病變求診時,應仔細地施予雙側上肢及頸部的肌電圖檢查,期早期發現無症狀側是否亦已發生神經根病變.俾早期施予預防或治療性措施,以避兔或減少病患發生功能障礙的機會。


This study has the following purposes: (1) to inquire the incidence of radiculopathy on the asymptomatic side in the cervical spondylotic patients with unilateral symptomatic radiculopathy. (2) to inquire the relationship between asymptomatic side and symptomatic side in the unilateral symptomatic radiculopathic patients due to cervical spondylosis. All subjects has been studied by motor and sensory nerve conduction test, and electromyography (EMG) for muscles supplied by roots from C-5 to T-l levels bilaterally. The results showed that the incidence of radiculopathy and the EMG abnormalities on the asymptomatic side correlated well with the EMG abnormalities on the symptomatic side, but not nerve conduction studies, nor clinical courses. EMG examination may be very helpful in such a diagnosis and may be more carefully taken bilaterally for cervical spondylosis patients with unilateral symptomatic radiculopathy, not only for early diagnotic but also for early treatment.
