  • 期刊


A Study of Vocational Rehabilitation in Work Injuries: Factors Influencing Rate of Return-to-work in Work-related Injuries



職業災害往往造成勞工本身工作角色的喪失,產生家庭經濟問題和國家社會生產力的損失。本研究的目的主要是在調查影響職業災害殘障勞工重返工作的因素,以作為將來職業復健或工作強化計劃推展的基準。 本研究之對象為民國80年1月1目至民國82年12月31日三年間取樣的職災殘障勞工。研究方式以郵寄問卷調查行之,使用由研究者所設計之 「職業災害勞工生理心理社會適應調查問卷表」。 本研究之資料分析採SPSS forWINDOWS,統計分析則使用描述性統計、Cramer's V檢定、t-檢定及階梯式對數迴歸分析等。 共取得有效問卷948份,其回收率為25.30%;從郵寄問卷回應者之結果中顯示:使用輔具、接受醫療復健、自覺生理能力差、非手部位受傷、年齡在53歲以上、殘障等級愈嚴重者、無家人或親朋之鼓勵與支持者,愈不容易重返工作。但在進一步使用對數迴歸分析之後發現,只有自覺工作能力、殘障等級、年齡、殘障部位及家人支持對於職災殘障勞工重返工作最具影響預測力。


Work-related injuries will cause injured worker's role dysfunction, and result in family economic crisis and national productivity loss. The purposes of this research are to investigate the factors affecting ”return to work” after work-related injuries in order to establish the work hardening program in Taiwan R.O.C. in the future. The subjects of mailed survey were 3752 workers who collected occupational disability compensation between January 1,1991 and December31, 1993.The mail returning rate from the injured workers was 25.3%,913 participants completed the ”Injured Worker's Physical and Psychosocial Adaptation Questionnaire”. The SPSS for WINDOWS was used to describe and analyze the data. The results from the mailed participants show that the injured workers who using adapted devices,receiving medical rehabilitation services,feeling poor physical ability, not hand or upper extremity injured,being older than 53 years old, having more severe disabled level and not having family and friends support and encouragement are more difficult to return to work after injuries. Furthermore,after using stepwise forward logistic regression analysis, it was found that only the factors of the injured workers' age, physical ability, disabled level, disabled area and family support were the significant predictive indicators affecting rate of retum-to-work.


