  • 期刊


Evaluation of Bio-electrical Impedance and Body Composition in the Poliomyelitis Patients



身體組成為健康體能的重要因素,生物電子阻抗儀 (bio-electrical impedance) 可利用不同頻率之電流來評估不同組成之體積。同時也可利用分段生物電子阻抗分析,將身體分為五個部位;偵測左右上下肢與軀幹之部位別的體液分佈,推估各部位肢體肌肉發達的程度。 身心障礙者會因疾病與後續活動型態的改變,造成全身身體組成與局部身體組成不同程度的變化。本研究針對21位小兒麻痺患者及15位健康對照組為研究對象,依據身心障礙者的個別能力差異,適當地修正的身體姿勢,並調整懸吊系統,協助完成患者受測。以體型測量法,量測各肢體、軀幹圍度,皮脂厚度。並以生物電子阻抗身體組成分析儀,分析部位別體液分佈變化、體脂肪分佈評估及身體組成。 在此次研究中,小兒麻痺患者在萎縮與未萎縮的下肢中,其體液的分布有明顯的差異,而體組成中體脂肪的比例也比正常人為高,由此推之小兒麻痺患者體重過重與導致小兒麻痺後症候群之產生有關,因此利用此測量法得知的數據,可以對小兒麻痺患者設計出更適合之復健與運動,以避免小兒麻痺後症候群的出現。


Body composition is one of the important indicators for the health. Body composition can be evaluated by bio-electrical impedance analysis (BIA). Furthermore, distribution of body fluid can also be quantitated by bio-electrical impedance measurement. Adult disabled people have unique body compositions and body shapes because of their diseases. Data regarding body composition of disabled Taiwanese people is lacking and needed. The aim of this research is to establish a standard of measurement condition for obtaining accurate, precise, rapid and reproducible body composition in adult disabled people. In this study, poliomyelitis patients and healthy people (control group) were recruited for measuring their body bio-electrical impedance, anthropometric profiles and skin fold thickness. In this study, there is significant difference in fluid distribution between hypotrophy and non-hypotrophy limbs of polio patients. Polio patients also have higher body fat percentage than control group. Weight gain is a predictive factor of post-polio syndrome. We used BIA as a predictive tool for poliomyelitis patients.
