  • 期刊


Ultrasonographic Diagnosis of Bicipitoradial Bursitis: A Case Report


肱二頭肌橈骨滑液囊是位於肱二頭肌遠端肌腱與橈骨結節之間,其主要的功能是減少前臂旋前運動時所產生的摩擦力。當前臂反覆性的進行旋前與旋後動作,會造成重覆性的小創傷,可能導致肱二頭肌橈骨滑液囊出現發炎狀態,並表現出前肘窩的疼痛及腫脹感。然而以往對於肱二頭肌橈骨滑液囊炎僅有少數病例報告。 本病例爲一位32歲女性患者,因右手肘前部發現一可觸及之腫塊併有麻痛感而就診,骨骼肌肉超音波檢查發現於右側橈骨肱二頭肌腱之附著處旁,有一低回音性的囊狀腫塊,超音波之診斷爲肱二頭肌橈骨滑液囊炎。在其後之核磁共振的影像中,於遠端肱二頭肌肌腱與橈骨結節之間,可見一個囊狀病灶,核磁共振檢查之診斷亦爲肱二頭肌橈骨滑液囊炎。病人經過保守性療法後,症狀便有明顯的改善。 肌肉骨骼超音波對肱二頭肌橈骨滑液囊炎可以提供正確的診斷工具,希望藉由本病例之影像學探討,提供日後臨床診療時之參考。


The bicipitoradial bursa is located between the distal biceps tendon and the radial tuberosity. The bursa functions as a buffer to reduce the friction between tendon and bone during pronation of the forearm. Bicipitoradial bursitis most frequently results from repetitive mechanical microtrauma by supination and pronation movements of the forearm, and it may cause painful swelling at the antecubital fossa. However, only a few cases of bicipitoradial bursitis have been reported to be diagnosed by ultrasound. We report a case of a 32-year-old woman with a tender soft tissue mass in her right antecubital area. Musculoskeletal ultrasound depicted a distended anechoic mass near the distal insertion of the biceps brachialis tendon. The mass was fluid-containing and bicipitoradial bursitis was then diagnosed. In T2-weighted images following magnetic resonance imaging, a cystic mass between the distal biceps tendon and radial tuberosity supported the ultrasonographic diagnosis. The patient experienced marked improvement of symptoms after conservative treatment. This case proves that musculoskeletal ultrasound is a valuable tool in providing an accurate diagnosis for bicipitoradial bursitis.
