  • 期刊


Analysis of Academic Articles in the Field of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation for the Last Decade in Asia


This article aimed to compare the international academic publications concerning Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) in Asia during the recent ten years, including Taiwan, China, Japan, and Korea. We searched the Scientific Citation Index (SCI) and Social Scientific Citation Index (SSCI) from the databank of Web of Science. Compared parameters included the total number of published SCI and SSCI articles, the summated impact factors (IF), the average impact factors, summated number of citations, and average number of citations for PM&R science. Searched publications dated from 2000 to 2009. We also identified influential publications, defined as impact factor larger than 2 or citation number greater than 11 in SCI articles. This study was accomplished on November 20, 2010. Taiwan PM&R academic circle produced nearly 200 scientific articles in 2009, second to Japan. Regarding the summated IF, the Japan PM&R academic circle distinctly took the lead in Asia, while the China PM&R academic circle displayed a bouncing increase by twofold in 2009. The average IF of published articles from Taiwan PM&R academic circle rose steadily from 1.298 in 2000 to 2.286 in 2009, which was higher than the rest of the three. For the summated number of citations, Japan PM&R researchers held a safe lead, followed by Taiwan investigators. Respecting the average number of citations, China ranked first, and Taiwan followed. As for the number of articles with IF higher than 2, Japan rated number one, and Taiwan number two. Japan PM&R researchers also published the most pieces cited greater than 11 times, and Taiwan the second. The number of SSCI articles were far less either in Taiwan, China, Japan, or Korea, about 15% the number of SCI articles. Among these, China was the first concerning the total number of articles, the summated IF value, and the summated number of citations. Korea PM&R researchers had the highest average IF value, and Taiwan PM&R investigators had the largest average number of citations. Overall speaking, the academic performance of Taiwan PM&R circle was notable in Asian. If taking into account the population and number of physiatrists, the academic prolificacy of Taiwan PM&R researchers topped in Asia. To manage to maintain and promote the competitiveness and productivity in Taiwan PM&R circle in the long term is undoubtedly crucial in this era of booming and accelerating medical evolution.




蘇郁喬(2012)。應用OCRA Index於職業性上肢肌肉骨骼不適之評估〔碩士論文,中山醫學大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6834/CSMU.2012.00026
