  • 期刊


Acute Effects of Kinesio Taping on Low Back Pain and Back Muscle Endurance in Patients with Lumbar Disc Herniation


肌內效貼紮(Kinesio taping)被廣泛用在治療下背痛的患者。本研究目的是要檢驗當肌內效貼紮貼在患者的下背部時,對下背痛及背部肌肉耐力的立即效應。27位患者參與本實驗(9位女士,18位男士,年齡24到63歲)經由磁振造影檢查發現有腰椎椎間盤突出加入這個研究。研究設計是前、後測實驗設計(pretest and posttest design)。利用肌內效貼布(Kinesio® Tex Tape)以止痛及促進腰椎旁肌肉收縮的方式貼紮。病患在貼紮前(T1)及貼紮後立即(T2)進行背部肌肉疲勞測試(Biering-Sorensen test)的評估。病患在上述2個情況時,同時接受疼痛指數視覺類比尺度(visual analogue scale)的評估。統計分析以SPSS軟體,使用paired T-test方法分析,比較貼紮前後的背肌耐力及疼痛指數的變化。實驗結果顯示患者的背部肌肉疲勞測試在T1是59.41秒,而在T2是80.33秒。背部肌肉疲勞測試在T1與T2相比較,有統計上的顯著差異(mean difference, 20.93 seconds; p<0.05)。患者貼紮前進行背部肌肉疲勞測試時的疼痛指數為(3.59±1.760)。貼紮後立即進行背部肌肉疲勞測試時的疼痛指數變為(2.56±1.601)。貼紮前後疼痛指數的降低有達到統計上的顯著差異(mean difference, 1.04; p<0.05)。根據以上結果,腰椎椎間盤突出的患者,接受肌內效貼紮後立即在背肌耐力及疼痛方面有顯著的改善。因此,在治療有下背痛的腰椎椎間盤突出患者時,或許肌內效貼紮可以當作一種輔助治療方法。進一步的研究,應該去探討肌內效貼紮在腰椎椎間盤突出患者的長期效應,或者合併背肌運動治療後的效應。


Kinesio taping has been widely used in patients with low back pain. However, the acute effects of kinesio taping on patients with lumbar disc herniation have yet to be investigated. The aim of this study was to examine the immediate effects of applying kinesio taping to the low back area on low back pain and back muscle endurance. In total, 27 patients with lumbar disc herniation (9 women and 18 men, aged 24-63 years) were enrolled in this study through magnetic resonance imaging examination. This study used a single-group, pretest-posttest design. A Kinesio Tex tape was applied to facilitate paraspinal muscle contractions and pain relief. The Biering-Sorensen test was used to assess the outcomes before taping (T1) and immediately after taping (T2). The visual analogue scale (VAS) was used under two conditions: no taping during the Biering-Sorensen test and immediately after taping during the Biering-Sorensen test. A paired t test was conducted using SPSS to assess the immediate effects of kinesio taping on back muscle endurance and pain intensity. Patients' Biering-Sorensen test recorded T1 and T2 values of 59.41 and 80.33 s, respectively. The T1 and T2 values exhibited significant differences (mean difference, 20.93 s; p<0.05). During the Biering-Sorensen test, the worst pain intensity (VAS) of patients before taping was 3.59 ± 1.760, whereas the VAS score decreased to 2.56 ± 1.601 immediately after taping. The reduction in VAS scores was significant (mean difference, 1.04; p<0.05). In conclusion, patients with lumbar disc herniation experienced significant improvements in back muscle endurance and back pain immediately after kinesio taping. Therefore, kinesio taping may be used as a complementary method in such patients with low back pain. Further research is warranted on the outcomes of patients with lumbar disc herniation after the application of kinesio taping for longer periods or in combination with back muscle exercise programs.


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