  • 期刊


Antecedents of Usage Intentions for Social Network-Facebook


本研究以Davis et al. (1989)的科技接受模型、Moon & Kim (2001)的擴充科技接受模型、Fishbein & Ajzen (1975)的理性行為理論以及Burroughs & Eby (1998)的社群意識論點作為理論基礎,建構一個結合使用態度、主觀規範以及社群意識作為社群網站使用意圖前因的模型,來解釋社群網站使用者對社群網站的持續使用行為。本研究以問卷調查法訪問了380位Facebook使用者,並以結構方程模式來檢驗此一模型的配適度和相關假設,並獲得以下結論:(1)本文提出的兼具科技接受模型、理性行為理論以及社群意識的社群網站持續使用行為模型與實證資料有不錯的配適。(2)知覺有用性與知覺趣味性正向影響使用態度,但知覺易用性並未影響使用態度。(3)使用態度與社群意識正向影響使用意圖,但主觀規範並未影響使用意圖。(4)使用意圖正向影響持續使用行為。


This study proposes a new model combining usage attitude, subjective norm, and sense of community to explain the antecedents of usage intentions and users' continuous usage behavior for social network - Facebook, based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Moon & Kim's (2001) expanded TAM, the Theory of Reasoned Action, and Burroughs & Eby's (1998) argument about sense of community. 380 undergraduates who have ever used Facebook are interviewed. And this study adopts a structural equation modeling (SEM) approach to examine the proposed model and the associated hypotheses. This study arrives at the following results: (1) The new model fits the empirical data well. (2) Both perceived usefulness and perceived playfulness positively affect using attitude, but perceived ease of use does not affect using attitude. (3) Both usage attitude and sense of community positively affect usage intentions, but subjective norm does not affect usage intentions. (4) Usage intentions positively affect continuous usage behavior.


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