  • 期刊

An Analytical Approach Integrating Competitor Analysis and Customer's Choice Decision for Improving Hotel Service Quality



不論自就業人口比例或產值而言,服務業在台灣經濟所占之比重有日增的趨勢。正面臨激烈競爭的國際觀光旅館業是台灣服務業之重要一環(天下雜誌1994年10月號評估其為未來之第三大明星服務業,僅次於資訊顧問業及醫療業)。文獻指出服務品質為企業因應競爭之重要策略因素;然根據歷年之觀光旅客調查,台灣國際觀光旅館之整體服務品質仍亟待改善。本文首先評估目前台灣國際觀光旅館業品質改善方法之缺點;進而提出服務品質改善項整合競爭分析及消費者選擇理論之重要性。最後並由決定屬性分析(Determinant Attribute Analysis)發展出一整合競爭分析及消費者決策理論之分析方法及問卷範例。


As the process of economic development is on going, the growing importance of the service sector becomes obvious. International Tourist Hotel industry in Taiwan is one of the most fast-growing service sector. With the boom in construction and the decrease in visitors, competition has finally caught up with the international tourist hotels. Faced with such competition, it is widely recognised that improvement of service quality is strategically important to outperform competitors without causing a rate war. Despite the strategic importance of service quality, the current status of Taiwan's international tourist hotel industry is unsatisfactory. When examining current service quality improvement methods, two most serious drawbacks emerge. One is that the widely-used quality improvement techniques such as in-room guest questionnaire survey become routine and provide little help in identifying priority attributes for optimising resources allocation. The other is that the idea of improving quality is usually mentioned as an internal goal without referring to competition. Thus, the research is aimed to advocate the importance of integrating Competitor Analysis and Customer's Choice Decision in reflecting a more complete picture of the multi-dimensional quality improvement. An analytical approach for this purpose developed from Determinant Attribute Analysis is devised and the questionnaire example is proposed.
