  • 期刊


A Study of Consumer Shopping Behavior of the International Travelers at the Duty Free Shop


近年來航空事業蓬勃發展,國際航線不斷擴充,出入國際機場與在機場等免稅店購物,已成為吾人日常生活之一部份。但因各國免稅店之區位、匯率、規模及生活水凖等差異,而使免稅品在各地販售産生價差,也讓往來各國之國際旅客,在免稅商品購買免稅品之選擇趨於多樣化。盡管如此,有關免稅商店消費者行為之研究迄今仍甚少提及,因此本研究選擇國際旅客在免稅商店購買行為進行研究,透過文獻回顧、問卷設計、調查及統計分析,以探討影響國際旅客購買免稅商品決策之變數,及其決策變數與其購買行為之關聯。 研究結果顯示:購買免稅品行為與遊客屬性之教育程度、職業、婚姻及所得等有關;另外旅遊目的、旅遊同伴以及購物環境包括促銷活勤、逛選時間、購買目的及計劃性購物等因素與國際旅客購物行為有關。本文並透過因子分析後,將國際旅客購物類型,劃分為理性比較型、環境影響型、資訊分析型、價格比較型及隨意購買型等五種。 為進一步探討國際旅客購物行為模式,採用統計學上多變量數量化Ⅱ模型,使用7個變項加以分析,並建立購物行為模式,方程式中以教育程度影響最大,其次為職業、旅行同伴、月所得、國籍、旅遊目的及婚姻,如果將上述判別式代入樣本中加以驗證,則其判中率可達71.94%,故判別式尚可接受。


免稅商店 購買行為


Recently, for the flourishing development of air transportation industry and the increasing of international airlines, using international airport and shopping in duty-free shops have become a part of people's life. People or tourists get used to consume at various duty-free shop in different countries with vary prices subject to the duty free shop site and location, exchange rate, and living standard. This phenomenon, in fact, is valuable for researching tourists' consuming behaviors from the view point of tourism, though it has been hardly notes so far. Thus, here comes this study trying to discover and explore what affects the international tourists shopping at duty free shop. The relationship between these variables of decision-making and consuming behaviors. The examining process is first going through literature review and followed by questionnaire design and marketing, and finally statistics analyzing. The results show that the individual's background of such as education, occupation, marriage status and the amount of income has much to do with the shopping behaviors at duty-free shops. More, the purpose of travel and traveling companions can also affect shopping behavior. Besides, the shopping environment, including promotion activities, shopping time, shopping purposes and shopping planning does affect that behavior, too. About the findings, the first worthy one is the five types of international tourist's shopping behaviors. After being studied by Factor Analysis, the data reflects obviously five types of consumers will be inner-toward, out-toward, information-toward, price-toward and casual-toward. Another precious finding is a model developed successfully by Multivariable Quantitative Ⅱ. This model can be applied on any samples and reach the correct ratio of discrimination up to 7 1.94%. It shows the discrimination equation quite available.


Duty Free Shop Consumer Behavior
