  • 期刊


Phantom of the Form-Tourism Image and Experience of King-man


「金門」在戒嚴時期,作為一個令人警訊的符號。在解嚴後,成立「金門國家公園」,被貼上戰地觀光的符碼,其場所呈現了什麼改變?本文利用地理現象學,就「觀光現象」的社會觀察,針對「金門戰地觀光」這種觀光產品進行研究,探究其是否符合消費者的要求。將「觀光市場」的概念,基於形式作為主題表現的藝術符碼,就遊客解讀遊憩符碼來分層遊客群,以建構戰地觀光的遊憩市場類別,並為「軍事安全」與「觀光價值」重新加以詮釋。 金門觀光對戰史的「揭露真相」而言,不應只是以再現、模仿、虛擬、或偽裝的方式對已發生的故事作忠實的描繪、紀錄、與保存;而應藉由藝術化的作用與美感形式轉化具體內容,以揭示普遍的意義。基於觀光的形式藝術化策略,本文提出確保遊憩品質與地方風土特色之理念,一、利用場所意象進行金門風貌的保護與古蹟再利用。二、確保「戰爭意象」應用於軍民合作參與的模式,共創觀光事業的契機。三、區隔遊客群,提供彈性及自發性的遊程。四、戰爭事蹟及武器科技提供遊憩學習的體驗。為金門的觀光事業帶入一個具有文化藝術及永續的經營觀念,邁向21世紀綠色觀光的新世元。


Kingman was a signal of danger during the Martial Law Period. As a new tourist attraction featured in historical battlefields, what meaning does Kingman National Park signify after the end of Martial Law Period? The study tried to examine the products labeled as Kingman Battlefield Tourism from the perspective of geographic phenomenology. Specifically, it was to investigate the tourism market using the symbolic images of Kingman. Thus, the market segments can be clearly defined by clustering visitors based on how they interpret such symbolic images. The war history, as a major theme of Kingman tourism, should not be presented to visitors in the manner of battle re-inauguration, simulation, and camouflage, but rather, it should be transformed into tangible contents in artistic forms in order to reveal the universal meaning. Based on this philosophy, four strategies were proposed to ensure the tourism quality as well as the preservation of folk customs. The first is to utilize the place images for the protection of Kingman landscape and the reuses of historical sites for tourism. The second is to incorporate the battlefield images into tourism based on the cooperation of the military and the civil sectors. The third is to segment tourists and design flexible programs in accordance with various market segments. The final one is to provide visitors with learning experiences associated with the war history and weapon technology.


陳秋蓉(2008)。遊客體驗、旅遊意象與重遊意願關係之研究 -以西拉雅國家風景區為例〔碩士論文,長榮大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6833/CJCU.2008.00066
