  • 期刊


The Green Buying Behavior of Tourists: A Study of Agricultural Products of Scenic Spots




Based on the theory of planned behavior and sustainable consumer behavior research, this study proposes a theoretical model that attempts to explain the behavior of tourists buying local green agricultural products. This study investigates the tourists visiting Nantou by survey and empirically tests this model with structural equation modeling and produces the following conclusion. When buying green agricultural products, tourists' attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavior control positively impact on their intention to buy. The tourists' intention to buy green agricultural products indeed results in their actual buying behavior. The environmental concerns of tourists positively impact their environmentally conscious behavior and their attitudes towards purchasing green agricultural products; their environmentally conscious behaviors also positively impact on their purchase intentions to buy green agricultural products. This study confirms the theory of planned behavior which can explain tourist behaviors when buying green local agricultural products. Environmentally conscious behavior and the level of tourist environmental concerns impact attitudes and behaviors towards buying green agricultural products. This study combines the theory of planned behavior and the studies of sustainable consumption behavior to successfully explain tourists' buying behaviors of green agricultural products.


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