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Exploring the Goal Value of Middle-Aged and Older Adults Travel Using Means-End Chain Approach




With a continuous increase in the average human life span and improvements in the older adults' economic capability, educational level, and literacy, new business opportunities are opening up for the tourism industry. This study, conducted on the means-end chain model, and open-ended questionnaires were used to carry out one-on-one in-depth ladder interviews with 40 middle-aged and older adults (20 males and 20 females). They were given stepwise guidance so that they could talk about the value formed in their minds while they were travelling. Content analysis was adopted to encode and analyses. A hierarchical value map was created based on content analysis. The study revealed the following results: Routes, prices, and partners are the primarily considered attributes of middle-aged and older adults' tourism; location reputation, economic consideration, and emotional exchange come out as the consequences of middle-aged and older adults' tourism; sense of relaxation, safety, and happiness are the main values pursued through it. This study has been analyzed for marketing strategies and can be a reference for practical and academic research.


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