  • 期刊


A Research on the Use of Information Retrieval Exercise in Teaching Practice



本研究所說的「訊息」是指「大學的學科訓練」(discipline),包括學科知識(subject-matter knowledge, SMK) 、一般教育學知識(general pedagogical knowledge, GPK)等等,是一種「專業訊息、專業知識」,它包括「專業的」概念、命題、心像、線性規則和基模。「訊息提取練習」(information retrieval exercise, IRE)是要求實習教師在試教活動的各階段,要學習和練習適時辨認、尋找、提取(identify, locate, & retrieval)和使用相關的專業知識(概念、命題、心像、線性規則和基模)。 本研究的「分科教學實習」專指「分科試教」,並以語文科的「識字與寫字」的教學實習爲例。「教育實習或教學實習」的目的是知識/學理與實務「相互印證、相互聯結」,以熟練教學方法、嫻習教學技術。爲達成此一目的,本研究採用行動研究法,在研究者擔任的「教育實習」和「國語課程與教學發展」課程中,前後發展並應用「參考文獻式的訊息提取練習」及「學科結合實習的訊息提取練習」,幫助實習教師提取和使用習得的知識。 「參考文獻式的訊息提取練習」是要求實習教師在寫「教學計畫」時,要提取與使用專業教育課程或相關專業「書籍」中的「知識」,要用APA(或其他種引文方式)的格式寫出「引文註」及「參考書目」,以佐證在計畫中使用了那些專業知識。「學科結合實習的訊息提取練習」是要求將「大學的學科訓練所習得的知識」提取和應用在教學實習中。研究者詳細用文字和繪圖說明「專業知識」在試教的「計畫、教學、省思、建構」各階段的運作情況。本研究的結果證明:以上兩種模式確實能夠幫助實習教師提取和使用習得的知識,達成知識/學理與實務「相互印證、相互聯結」的目的。


The ”information” means the professional knowledge such as subject-matter knowledge, general pedagogical knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge. These kinds of knowledge represent such as professional concepts, prepositions, images, linear order, and schemas. The aims of this research is to guidance the student teachers to identify, locate, and retrieval the profession knowledge in the phases of teaching practice such as plan, teaching, reflection, and construction. The author used action research to guidance student teachers to use Information Retrieval Exercise in the elementary mandarin course' Teaching practice. The author inquiried ”citation note & list reference ”and” discipline knowledge for practice ”the two models in student teaching to guidance student teachers to use what he/she learned. This research found this kind of exercise can reach the goal of the teaching practice such as comprehend, prove, and integrate the theory and practice. The author recommend that the professors of practicum ought to inspire student teacher use the professional concepts, prepositions, images, linear order, and schemas in the phases of teaching practice such as plan, teaching, reflection, and construction.
