  • 期刊


Matemal Beliefs about Parent-Child Interaction: Learning from Mothers of Children with Autism



親子互動的早期療育方案在美國行之有年且效果卓著。然跨文化的研究結果顯示,不同文化對幼兒發展的期待不同,對親子互動時父母所應扮演角色的認知亦不相同。所以,將國外發展出來的模式運用在台灣早期療育課程時,實有必要先了解台灣父母對親子互動的想法。才能設計出真正切合台灣家長及幼兒需求的方案,發揮早期療育的最大成效。有鑑於此,本研究的目的在探討自閉症幼兒母親對親子互動的信念。藉由訪談的方式瞭解自閉症幼兒母親對幼兒發展的想法,及其在親子互動時角色的詮釋。共有7 位自閉症幼兒母親參與本研究,母親年齡範圍為31至40歲(平均35.1歲);幼兒的年齡範圍為30至57個月大(平均年齡為42.3個月),包括6位男孩及1 位女孩。研究場所以受訪者家為原則,所有的訪談皆以錄音機錄音作為內容分析的依據。研究結果發現自閉症幼兒母親認為親子互動對幼兒的各項發展有重要的影響,尤其是在認知、情緒、社會和身體動作發展方面;在親子互動過程中,母親最常提及的角色依序為促進者、教導者和照顧者。此外,自閉症幼兒的母親在提及親子互動的發展目標及其應該扮演的角色時,兩者間存有特定的關聯性。本研究結果將可提供未來在發展親子互動模式的早期療育方案時的參考。


親子互動 自閉症 母親信念


Parent-infant interaction is a cornerstone of early intervention. However, caution is necessary in adopting models of early intervention developed in the U. S. to Taiwan. In order to develop intervention situations and goals that fit within Taiwanese belief systems, it is essential that early intervention be grounded in an understanding of how Taiwanese parents may perceive their interactions with their children. In particular, it is necessary to understand the meanings that Taiwanese mothers attach to their interactions with their young children with disabilities. The purpose of the current study is to understand the perceptions of mothers of children with autism during parent-child interaction. Using an open-ended interview and content analysis, this study explored the perceptions of Taiwanese mothers of children with autism of parent-child interaction for children's developmental benefits and parental roles that support these benefits. Seven mothers of children with autism recruited from the Organization of Parents of Children with Autism and the early intervention programs in southern Taiwan. The results indicated that mothers of children with autism were more likely to describe cognitive, emotional, social and physical benefits during parent-child interaction. These mothers were most likely to emphasize a facilitator role in supporting children's learning and development, followed by a director and a caregiver role. Finally, in order to achieve the developmental benefits or goals for their children, mothers usually associated particular maternal roles with the benefits. The most common pairs included the combination of cognitive benefits with the facilitator role, cognitive benefits with the director role, social benefits with the director role, and emotional benefits with the caregiver role. The finding of this study provides a base of understanding the perceptions of Taiwanese mothers of children with autism about parent-child interaction and has important implications for designing interventions that are meaningful to Taiwanese families of children with special needs.


