  • 期刊


An Empirical Study of Fashion Innovativeness and Fashion Involvement and Impulse Buying Behavior


本研究國內流行產業在面對全球化競爭日趨激烈的壓力下,為求提高經營績效,無不克盡所能,努力創新。惟國內外有關流行創新之研究,多側重企業創新之策略或過程管理,甚少從消費者的角度,探討消費者在流行服飾消費過程中,流行創新接受程度、流行涉入程度、以及衝動購買行為之關係。為滿足學界與流行產業對相關議題之瞭解所需,本研究以Goldsmith & Hofacker設計之D.S.I量表以衡量流行創新接受程度;以Tigert,Ring & King的FⅡ量表以衡量流行涉入程度;以Rook & Fisher的Buying Impulsiveness Scale量表以衡量衝動購買行為;並選擇服飾作為衡量標的物。而本研究之問卷的效度和信度,皆達相當高之水準。經簡單隨機抽樣方式,對大臺北地區之流行服飾消費者,發放出600份問卷,得有效問卷550份。本研究成功發現流行創新接受程度、流行涉入程度與衝動購買行為三者,皆呈顯著正相關,表示消費者的流行涉入程度越高、其流行創新接受程度也愈高、其衝動購買行為也愈強烈。研究結果可滿足學界對相關議題之瞭解,並可有利於流行產業者,在策略規畫以及經營管理活動時,更有所依據。後續研究方面,建議可以擴大比較各地區之異同,亦可以考慮加入其他經營管理變數,藉以提高後續研究的完整性及貢獻。


Globalization has received considerable attention in the past decades. Its effects are suggested to favor the emergence of an external pressure toward more competition fashion market environment and have catalyzed the demand for innovation. Mounting anecdotal and research in the aspect of fashion innovation from the perspective of designers and manufacturers have documented encouraging result. However, very few researches have comprehensively examined the influence of fashion innovations from the perspective of consumers. As a consequence, there is a critical need for research that focuses on the consumer oriented fashion innovation and it related characteristics. This study proposes to fill the gap in the knowledge of consumer oriented fashion innovation and its application. Specifically, in the relationship between fashion innovativeness, fashion involvement and impulse buying behaviors. Through a well-structured measuring instruction, fashion innovativeness was measured by the Domain Specific Innovativeness Scale developed by Goldsmith & Hofacker; fashion involvement was measured by the Fashion Involvement Index developed by Tigert, Ring & King and impulse buying behaviors was measured by the Buying Impulsiveness Scale developed by Rook & Fisher. Data were gathered via a personal survey of 600 randomly sampled respondents, resulted in 550 effective questionnaires. Significant, positive linear correlation can be detected between a composite measure of fashion innovativeness, fashion involvement and impulse buying behaviors are significantly correlated. Results shown conceptual and empirical evidence that consumers' fashion innovativeness, fashion involvement can moderate the link between the trait and behavioral aspects of impulse buying behaviors in purchases of fashion apparel. Particularly, this research success in filling the gap in the knowledge and its application of consumer oriented fashion innovation, fashion involvement and impulse buying behaviors. Finally, possible management implications of the empirical analysis were discussed and some worthwhile options for future research were identified.


