  • 期刊

兒科加護病房Acinetobacter Baumannii院內血流感染群突發的調查及處理

Investigation of an Outbreak of Nosocomial Bloodstream Infections Caused by Acinetobacter Baumannii in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit



某醫學中心兒科加護病房於89年8月8日至9月21日之間共發生6件由Acinetobacter baumannii引起之院內血流感染,在流行病學方面,本次感染的個案都屬於早產兒,體重小於1500公克,出生時即放置氣管內管合併呼吸監視器使用,並放置過至少3種動、靜脈導管。在環境方面:共採檢94件檢體,其中A . baumannii陽性件數共5件,皆是位於水槽邊的醫療物品,分別是床欄、輻射加熱器、保溫箱、呼吸監視器表面與海綿刷子各一件。在醫護人員方面:共採檢43件手部檢體,陽性率為23.3%,分別來自護理人員(7/26)、醫師及實習醫師(1/7)、呼吸治療師(1/6)、助理員(1/3)等。以低頻切位聚合酵素鏈鎖反應(infrequent-restriction-site polymerase chain reaction;IRS-PCR)的方法,將所收集到的菌株作基因分型,發現6株血流感染菌株及3株手部培養菌株的分型結果完全相同。藉此,推測兒科加護病房院內血流感染的可能因素,應與在不同病人之間,藉醫護人員的手傳播。為遏止此菌的散播,建議加強洗手、及提供乾性洗手劑在緊急時使用,並以低濃度漂白水作環境表面消毒。而與單位人員的討論,建立適宜的感染管制措施,並能確實執行,得以控制感染的蔓延。


Between August and September 2000, 6 infants hospitalized in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) developed nosocomial bloodstream infections (BSIs) associated with Acinetobacter baumannii. All 6 infants were premature, had a birth weight less than 1500 grams, presented with respiratory distress requiring ventilator support at birth, and had at least 3 intravascular catheters insertion. For the epidemiological investigation, 94 environmental specimens were examined. A. baumannii was found in 5 of the specimens, one each from the surface of bed rails, a radiant warmer, an incubator, a respirator, and a sponge brush. All these 5 objects were close to the sinks. Fluids collected hand-washing of all 43 health care workers (HCWs) involved in the NICU were also examined, ten (23.3%) specimens were positive for the A. baumannii. Infrequent-restriction-site polymerase chain reaction was used to analyze the isolates. The test revealed that all 6 isolates from infected infants as well as 3 isolates from hand-washings of HCWs were of the same genotype. Another genotype was also prevalent in some HCWs and 4 environmental objects. These results suggest that the outbreak of A. baumannii nosocomial BSIs was caused by a particular strain and possibly via cross-infection by HCWs. Strict hand-washing with appropriate disinfectants before and after the contact of patients can not be overemphasized.


