  • 期刊


A study of evaluating human rights teaching and learning


本研究以人權概念與國際人權公約為知識主軸,在社工系開設一門人權課程,試圖連結與呈現社會工作專業裡的人權知識,並採用對話教學(dialogic teaching)與對話學習(dialogic learning)方式,解決教學人權可能產生的困境與挑戰。此課程選課人數共56人,55位簽署研究知情同意書。教學與學習成果、成效,透過行動研究方法收集及分析相關教學歷程檔案。因字數的限制,本文僅針對55份學期心得進行分析,藉由質性研究之主題分析,共萃取出「對話教學與對話學習」、「人權知識的學習」、「人權議題的敏感度與覺察能力」、「日常生活議題中的人權反思」與「人權運用在專業領域的覺察與反思」五大主題。本論文除了分享研究者的人權教學實踐經驗,更期待呈現人權知識與社會工作專業接合的重要性與意義。


By providing the United Nations treaty as the cognitive level to teach basic knowledge of human rights, this study developed an optional module for social work students. Dialogue teaching and dialogic learning were adopted as the strategies to understand the current human rights issues in societies. A total of 56 third and fourth year social work undergraduates enrolled the course and 55 signed the research informed consent forms. Evaluation of teaching and learning outcomes, attitude changes was based on various data such as the pretest and the posttest surveys, written feedback, in-class responses to discussion questions. Due to words limit, this article only provided results analyzed from students' end-of-semester feedbacks. Thematic analysis was adopted as the research method to examine data. According to results, five themes can be extracted, namely dialogue teaching and dialogue learning, human rights knowledge learning, sensitivity and awareness of human rights issues, reflection of human rights issues in everyday life and adoption of human rights in social work practice. In addition to sharing practical experience of human rights teaching, this paper also attempted to highlight that social work education is grounded in a human rights approach.


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