  • 期刊


A Study on Flipped Teaching Strategies for Promoting Junior College Students' High-Order Cognitive Skill Development of Chinese


本研究之目的在探討以翻轉教學(flipped teaching)模式實施於專科國文課程,提升學生論證、審辨、批判性和創造性的高層次認知思考能力程度。首先建立各約150人的實驗組與對照組,以6個月(24星期)為研究期程。經由GEE之ARI模式計算3次大考成績:國文測驗部份,實驗組的平均數由前測71.28上升至71.37再上升至74.73;而對照組則由前測72.09降至71.46再上升到71.85。閱讀測驗部分,實驗組的平均數由前測8.24下降至7.71再上升至8.96;而對照組則由前測8.28降至8.22再上升到8.35。顯示實驗組的分數一開始落後於對照組,第2次的成績也並不理想,但第3次則有顯著進步。統計資料結果顯示,國文翻轉教學課程經過長時間的培養訓練,在同儕互相合作學習的情境中,可獲得相當良好的學習成效。


The study aims at discussing applying flipped teaching mode to Chinese courses in junior college in order to promote students' high-order cognitive thinking skills of demonstration, criticism and creation. The study used impersonal quasi experiment to set up an experimental group and a control group with 150 people respectively; the study period lasted 6 months (24 weeks). It graded three exams through ARI (First-order auto-regressive) of GEE (generalized estimating equation ): In terms of Chinese text tests, the average of the experimental group rose from 71.28 (pre-test) to 71.37 and then 74.73; the average of the control group dropped from 72.09 (pre-test) to 71.45 and then rose to 71.85. It presented that the first score of the experimental group fell behind that of the control group, that the score gap of the second one drew close, and that the third one made huge progress. In terms of the reading test, the average of the experimental group dropped from 8.24 (pre-test) to 7.71 and then rose to 8.96; the average of the control group dropped from 8.28 (pre-test) to 8.22 and then rose to 8.35. It presented that the first score of the experiment group was slightly lower than that of the control group, that the second one was not decent enough, but that the third one made great progress. The statistical data show that it takes a long time for the flipped teaching of languages to cultivate and train learners; students obtain better learning effects when cooperating with their peers on learning.


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