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Studies on the Vegetation Ecology of a Watershed along the Upper Reaches of the Dona Wenchuan River, Liukuei



多納溫泉溪上游集水區位於林業試驗所六龜分所試驗林之南端,海拔在580至2300公尺之間,總面積約2800公頃,爲一典型的台灣西南氣候區內之山地森林,植群帶介於儲楠林帶與櫟林帶之範圍內,本區之氣候年均溫在13.8-25.8℃之間,年雨量約爲3700 mm,其中約有80%以上之雨量均集中於5-9月間,爲一典型的夏雨型氣候,因此,也孕育出組成極爲複雜之天然闊葉樹林相。 本研究區內共設置42個合成樣區,並分別記錄海拔高、坡度、方位、地形位置、土壤含石率、全天光空域與直射光空域等七項環境因子,並利用多變數分析法中之降趨對應分析配合列表比較法,分析本試驗區之植群;總計將區域內之植群分爲兩大型,分別爲瓊楠林型與長尾柯林型,並根據各植群之樹種組成的差異再細分爲七個亞型,即A1山龍眼亞型、A2瓊楠-山香圓亞型、A3瓊楠-糊樗亞型、A4楓香亞型與B1長尾柯-變葉新木薑子亞型、B2長尾柯-菱果石櫟亞型、B3紅檜亞型。而主要影響植群分化之環境因子爲海拔高,然在其中有少部分之樣區植物可能受到人爲之干擾而出現一些由早期演替之落葉樹種所組成之植群型。 本研究除對集水區內之植群進行分析外,並針對各林型中之主要組成樹種進行族群構造分析,分析結果,大部份之優勢樹種均呈反J字形分布,表示此植群本身具有自行更新之能力。最後,再依上述之調查分析結果對試驗林之管理與經營,就合乎生態原則之著眼點提出建議,以供有關管理單位之參考。


The watershed along the upper reaches of the Dona-River is located in the southern part of the Liukuei Experimental Forest. The forest is a typical mountain forest dominated by trees of Lauraceae and Fagaceae. The total research area is 2800 ha between elevations of 580 and 2300 m. The mean annual temperature in the area is between 13.8 and 25.8℃. Annual rainfall is about 3700 nun with 80% concentrated between May and September, and this is known as a summer-rain type climate. Therefore, a natural broadleaf forest type with a complex composition has developed here. Forty-two compound sample plots were set up to investigate vegetation. Seven enviromental factors (altitude, slope, aspect, topographic position, soil stoniness, whole light sky space and direct tight sky space) were also recorded for survey and analysis. Both detrended correspondence analysis and tabular comparison method were used to analyze the data. Forest vegetation can be divided into 2 major types, the Beilschmiedia erythrophloia type and the Castanopsis carlesii type. According to differences in species composition, 7 subtypes can be further recognized, namely, A1 Helicia formosana subtype, A2 Beilschmiedi erythrophloia-Turpinia formosana subtype, A3 Beilschmiedia erythrophloia-Ilexformosana subtype, A4 Liquidambar formosana subtype, B1 Castanopsis carlesii-Neolitsea variabillima subtype, B2 Castanopsiscarlesii-Pasania rhombocarpa subtype, and B3 Chamaecyparis formosensis subtype. The main environmental factor that influenced the differentiation of vegetation was elevaton. Some of the sample plots had previously experience disturbance by human activities and appeared as strange subtypes with some deciduous species which should occur in early stages of succession. In addition to analyzing the vegetation in the watershed, population structure analysis of the forest type was also done. The results show that the most dominant species have anti-J-shaped growth forms, which means that the forest has the ability to regenerate itself. Finally, some suggestions have been made for the reasonable management of this forest in the future.


許迺翎(2005)。台灣地區氣溫差異與主要林植物分布之探討- 以檜木、烏心石、九芎為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2005.02858
