  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Monitoring of Forest Landscape Change





The integration of landscape ecology and geographic information system (GIS) is a prerequisite for the study of forest landscape change. In this study, the demonstration forest of ecosystem management at the Liukuei Branch Station, Taiwan Forestry Research Institute was selected as the study area. The objective was to apply GIS and quantitative indices of landscape structure to investigate the effects of cutting and forest roads on the landscape. Forest type maps of the area in 1988 and 1996 were derived using digital photogrammetry and GIS. To analyze the effects of cutting and forest roads on the landscape, indices of landscape structures referring to landscape composition and landscape configuration were calculated either including or excluding the matrix. The results are as follows: (1) Cutting and forest roads increased the number of patches and patch types within the landscape, and therefore altered the variety, abundance, and configuration of the patches, which in turn affected the index values of landscape diversity, evenness, and interspersion and juxtaposition. Diversity indices, especially the Shannon diversity index, were more suitable for analyzing landscape changes because they could differentiate landscape structures more easily and give reasonably consistent results. (2) When analyzing the effects of cutting and forest roads on the landscape, the differences between index values appeared to be greater in indices excluding the matrix than in indices including the matrix. However, including the matrix in indices could obtain more consistent results. (3) Regardless of whether the matrix was included in or excluded from the analysis, the effects of cutting and forest roads on the landscape, whether individually or collectively, were not significant based on the t-test result of the Shannon diversity index. The results indicate that integrating GIS and quantitative indices of landscape structure is a feasible and efficient way of analyzing effects of management practices on landscapes. We recommend the use of the Shannon diversity index for representing landscape composition. In addition, the matrix, which is commonly made of natural broadleaf forests, should be included when quantifying landscape structures.


