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Effects of Cupric Hydroxide-treated Containers on Seedling Growth of Five Native Tree Species



樟樹、茄苳、台灣欒樹、光蠟樹和鐵冬青等生長於經氫氧化銅處理的750 mL體積塑膠袋與穴植管容器中6 mo,測試及評估各種生長性狀,以瞭解氫氧化銅處理之容器苗的生長效應。生長於銅處理的塑膠袋或穴植管苗木未發現葉部有銅毒害症狀。比較未經銅處理的對照組,銅處理的容器苗顯著地減少根球表面根群的覆蓋度,並減短苗木的最長根長度,但是除台灣欒樹塑膠袋苗的根乾重、茄苳穴植管苗的莖根比外,其餘樹種之根乾重和莖根比與照組相比較皆不顯著。其他生長性狀如苗高、地徑和莖葉乾生等,因樹種不同其處理間偶有不同的差異。例如台灣欒之苗高、地徑和莖葉乾重在銅處理的容器中有顯著的增加;鐵冬青之苗高、地徑和莖乾重在銅處理的穴植管有顯著效果,但在塑膠袋則否;光蠟樹之苗高只在銅處理的塑膠袋有顯著較高的和,而樟樹和茄苳之苗高無論在塑膠袋或穴植管,其處理間皆無顯著差異。結論是此五種樹苗在銅處理的育苗容器中生長6 mo不會産生盤根現象,且銅處理之塑膠袋和穴植管苗有相似的生長表現。


Seedlings of Cinnamomum camphora, Bischofia javanica, Koelreuteria henryi, Fraxinus formosana, and Ilex rotunda were grown in 750-mL polyethylene bags and dibbling tubes for 6 formosana, and Ilex rotunda were grown in 750-mL polyethylene bags and dibbling tubes for 6 months both with and without cupric hydroxide-treated interior surfaces. Seedlings were evaluated for shoot and root growth. No foliar copper toxicity symptoms were observed on any species during the study. In comparison with untreated containers, copper-treated containers significantly decreased root coverage on the exterior of the rootball and the length of the longest root for all 5 species. Root dry weight and the shoot-to-root ratio were not significantly affected by copper-treated containers of these species except for the root dry weight of K. henryi in polybags and the shoot-to-root ratio of B. javanica in tubes. Differences in seedling height, basal diameter, and leaf and stemdry weights depended on whether the species were grown in either polybags or tubes. For example, significant increases in seedling height, basaldiameter, and leaf and stemdry weights were measured in K. henryi grown in cupric hydroxide-treated containers; the same significant responses were found in tubes but not in polybags of I. rotunda. F. formosana seedlings grew faster in height when grown in treated polybags only. There were no differences in seedling height of C. camphora and B. javanica in poly bags or tubes. In conclusion, copper-treated containers eliminated root circling and deformation in these 5 species, and seed lings in treated polybags and tubes exhibited similar growth results.


