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Clonal Test of Taxus mairei Using Water Culture



將台灣紅豆杉營養系T1、Nj11、K3與Wx之3月生扦插苗培養在稀釋成1/10與1/20濃度的Johson sofution (JS)水耕液培養6、9、11月後,分別取樣分析。水耕時間從2000年3月開始,取樣之月份為9、12月與翌年2月。分析結果顯示每株植物生長量與10-deacetyl baccatin Ⅲ(10-DAB)、紫杉醇(taxol)與6種紫杉院類在2種JS水耕液濃度問差異不顯著,僅11月生苗的紫杉醇產量在1/20JS有顯著較高。植物生長量與紫杉院類產量在4營養系問及其3種器官:葉、莖、根中的變異極大。Wx營養系生長最差且生產紫杉院類最少,Nj11生長最快且含有最多的紫杉燒類,T1生長量與K3相似,但含有較高的紫杉院類。Nj11含有最多的10-DAB,11月生苗每株可生產5.83mg;而T1則含有最多的紫杉醇,每株苗可生產1.16mg。10-DAB在葉部含量最高,而紫杉醇在根部含量最高,不過T1的葉部所含的紫杉醇量高於根部。在9月份採收的植物所含10-DAB與紫杉醇濃度高於其他二個採收月份,因此11月生苗之生物量雖然最高,每株苗木紫杉院類的產量增加不大。水耕苗的生長率與存活率都比盆栽苗佳,盆栽苗因死亡率過高而無法分析比較,因此以水耕是快速檢驗台灣紅豆杉營養系表現的極佳工具。


Three-mo-old rooted cuttings of Taxus mairei clones Ti, Nj11, K3, and Wx were grown hydroponically in 1/10 and 1/20 strengths of Johnson’s nutrient solution (JS) for 6, 9 and 11 mo at which times (September, December and February), they were sampled and analyzed in March 2000. Both dry weights and the yields of 10-deacetyl baccatin Ⅲ (10-DAB), taxol, and total taxanes per plant at the 3 harvesting times did not significantly differ between the 2 strengths of JS; only the 11-mo-old plants produced greater taxol in 1/20 JS. Great variations of these 2 parameters in 3 organs (leaves, stems and roots) of plants among the 4 clones were found. Wx grew poorly and produced few taxanes. Nj11 grew fast with the greatest amount of taxanes. Ti had a growth rate similar to K3, but with greater taxanes. Nj11 was a 10-DAB-rich clone, a 11-mo-old plant of wbich produced 5.83 mg. Ti was the taxol-rich clone, and it produced 1.16 mg per plant. 10-DAB was usually rich in nee4les, while taxol was rich in the roots. However, T1's needles contained greater taxol than its roots. The concentrations of both 10-DAB and taxol were highest in December compared to the other 2 harvesting mo. Although 11-mo-old plants had the greatest biomass, the taxanes had only increased a little compared to 9-mo-old ones. Since most potted plants died and grew poorly during the culture period, the suggests that water culture is a good tool to rapidly evaluate the clonal performance of Taiwan yew.


clonal test taxanes Taxus mairei water culture
