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Dominance Rank and Interference Competition in Foraging among Six Species of Birds in a Park in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan



本研究從2009年6月到9月間在高雄市三民公園的一處餵食地點,藉由探討體型、種間的交互作用及覓食行為來研究高雄市六種常見公園鳥類的優勢位階及覓食競爭行為。利用種間交互作用勝負表計算出來的David值與體型呈現不顯著正相關。在覓食行為上,當家鴿(Columba livia)及珠頸斑鳩(Streptopelia chinensis)來到餵食區時,牠們常無視於早已在場的麻雀(Passer montanus),會立即佔領整個餵食區。因此麻雀在餵食區外的數量與家鴿及珠頸斑鳩在餵食區內的數量呈現顯著正相關。而當食物量慢慢下降,家鴿及珠頸斑鳩漸漸離開時,其他較小型鳥類在餵食區內覓食的比例才隨之增加。不過麻雀還是會受到白尾八哥(Acridotheres javanicus)及白頭翁(Pycnonotus sinensis)的干擾,要等到這些中型鳥類也都離開之後,麻雀才會重新佔據整個餵食區。本研究顯示體型與覓食競爭有相當密切的關係,且最小的麻雀是所有六種鳥類中最弱勢的。我們建議除了David值之外,應納入體型、鳥群大小、干預競爭等因子,以獲致鳥種間更全面的優勢位階關係。


Through body size, social interaction, and foraging behavior, we investigated the dominance rank and interference competition among 6 bird species foraging at a park feeding site in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. Social interactions and foraging behaviors of these birds were recorded in June to September 2009. David's scores were calculated from an interspecific interaction matrix, and the score roughly increased with the body size of birds, but some exceptions were noted. Concerning foraging behavior, feral pigeons (Columba livia) and Spotted-necked Doves (Streptopelia chinensis) took over the food area once they appeared even though Tree Sparrows (Passer montanus) usually arrived first. A linear regression model indicated that the number of Tree Sparrows outside the food area was positively correlated with the number of feral pigeons and Spotted-necked Doves inside the food area. Feral pigeons and Spotted-necked Doves moved away as the food was gradually consumed, and smaller species accordingly increased their foraging in the food area. Nevertheless, the Tree Sparrow was also suppressed by other medium-sized birds, like the White-vented Myna (Acridotheres javanicus) and Chinese Bulbul (Pycnonotus sinensis), and they eventually occupied the food area in large numbers at a later stage. This study revealed that body size did matter and the Tree Sparrow was clearly the least dominant species among the 6. However, a discrepancy between the dominance status and interference competition in foraging was apparent. In addition to David's score, we suggest incorporating body size, group size, and interference competition to reach a more-comprehensive dominance hierarchy in bird communities.


