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Prevention of Pine Wilt Disease by Soil Injection with Fosthiazate



自1985年起由松材線蟲所引起的松樹萎凋病一直是台灣松樹嚴重的病害。2004年5月至2005年3月間,分別在台灣北部三個地點,進行土壤灌注系統性殺線蟲劑的試驗,以評估藥劑對松材線蟲萎凋病的防治效果。試驗採完全逢機設計,每一試驗區包括20棵松樹,10棵灌注藥劑當為處理組,另10棵不灌注藥劑當為對照組。這些松樹皆經流脂診斷法確定未遭松材線蟲(Bursaphelenchus xylophilus)感染,處理組的松樹,每棵以氣體加壓方式,將75%福賽絕灌注入土壤,藥劑用量依樹之胸徑大小而定,對照組則未做任何處理。藥劑灌注一個月後,將人工培養的三萬隻松材線蟲以鑽孔接種法接種到所有供試松樹,每棵松樹以鑽孔接種法接種三萬隻松材線蟲。接種後,病徵於9月間開始陸續出現,經過9個月後,以藥劑保護的松樹在中壢、大溪、竹東三個試驗地點,其發病率分別為40、30和20%,罹病程度指數則為2、1.1和l;而未處理組的松樹,其發病率分別為80、80和70%,罹病程度指數則為4、4和3.5,試驗結果顯示75%福賽絕具有良好的保護效果,不僅降低松材線蟲萎凋病的發病率,也可延緩病勢的進展。


Pine wood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner and Bührer 1986), has caused serious pine disease in Taiwan since 1985. Soil injection with 75% fosthiazate to control pine wilt disease was conducted at 3 locations in northern Taiwan. Twenty healthy pine trees with diameter breast height (DBH) ranging 20~40 cm were selected by oleoresin exudation for the inoculation test. Ten trees were treated with 75% fosthiazate by soil-injection application in May 2004 according to the manufacturer's protocol and a DBH table; another 10 pine trees were used as controls. One month after the soil injection, all trees at 3 locations were artificially inoculated with 30,000 pinewood nematodes (B. xylophilus). Symptoms of pine wilt disease were first observed 3 mo after inoculation; the disease progressed rapidly from September 2004. Chemical protection efficacy was evaluated 9 mo after inoculation. For chemical-treated trees, disease incidences at Zhongli, Daxi, and Zhudong were 40, 30, and 20%, and values of the disease severity index were 2, 1.1, and 1, respectively. However, for the non-treated group, disease incidences were 80, 80, and 70%, and values of the disease severity index were 4.0, 4.0, and 3.5, respectively. Our results demonstrated that fosthiazate not only decreased the incidence of pine wilt, but also retarded the disease progression.
