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Evaluation of Recreation Motivation and Activity Involvement in Affecting Place Attachment by Hikers



登山健行者的遊憩動機與活動涉入個別對地方依附之影響,已有一些前人研究證實其重要性與實務應用性,但三者同時就其間關係進行驗證與探討與釐清地方依附之地方依賴和地方認同構面兩者關係,則尚屬少見。本研究選定台南市關仔嶺大棟山為研究地點,旨在瞭解登山健行者遊憩動機、活動涉入、地方依附(含地方依賴與地方認同)之因果關係。本研究採問卷調查法,有效問卷為364份。利用線性結構方程模式統計軟體Amos 18,進行驗證性因素分析、模式之參數校估及整體模式之因果模式與配適程度驗證。研究結果發現,相對於遊憩動機,活動涉入對地方依附之地方依賴與地方認同更具預測影響力;遊憩動機、活動涉入及地方依賴三者皆為地方認同之前行變數。就整體模式而言,活動涉入為影響遊憩動機與地方依附(地方依賴與地方認同構面)間關係的重要因子。


Owing to the rich forest resources in mountain areas, there are various popular hiking activities in Taiwan. Determining how to provide suitable trails for hikers has become a noteworthy issue. The effects of recreation motivation and of activity involvement on place attachment were verified in several previous empirical studies. However, relationships among them have not yet been simultaneously examined. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate relationships among hikers’ recreation motivation, activity involvement, and place attachment (comprised of place dependence and place identity). We conducted a questionnaire survey and selected hikers on the trail of Guanzihling Dadong Mt. in Tainan City as sampling subjects. In total, 364 valid questionnaires were obtained. Statistical software of structural equation modeling Amos 18 was used to perform a confirmatory factor analysis to estimate parameters of the model, identify the relationship of the overall model, and test the fitness. Results showed that activity involvement was a stronger predictor of the 2 dimensions (place dependence and place identity) of place attachment compared to that of recreation motivation. In terms of the overall model, recreation motivation, activity involvement, and place dependence were all antecedents that had an effect on place identity. Additionally, activity involvement played a mediating role between recreation motivation and place attachment (both dimensions of place dependence and place identity).
