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台北植物園鳳頭蒼鷹(Accipiter trivirgatus)的育雛食性

Nestling Diet of Crested Goshawk (Accipiter trivirgatus) in Taipei Botanical Garden


為了探究都市地區鳳頭蒼鷹(Accipiter trivirgatus)在幼鳥成長階段提供的食物內容,2020年5-7月我們在台北植物園以監控攝影機拍攝1個鳳頭蒼鷹的繁殖巢,取得鳳頭蒼鷹幼鳥自孵化至50天的食物內容,並評估各種食物的數量及生物量。在1250小時的影片中,共有152筆食物,並確認9種鳥類、3種哺乳類及1種蜥蜴等物種。鳥類最常出現佔50%,其中鳩鴿科鳥類佔一半;哺乳類生物量最大佔58%,其中溝鼠(Rattus norvegicus)佔83.2%;而150~250 g及50~100 g是最常見的獵物尺寸,共佔57%。幼鳥自孵化後的50天內,親鳥每日供食頻率及生物量分別為3.0±1.6次/d及474.6±336.9 g/d,但中、後階段有明顯減少。每日供食自日出開始,至日落後1小時內結束,供食生物量在清晨及傍晚有明顯的雙峰型態。在以往的鳳頭蒼鷹食性研究中,溝鼠並不常見,但在本研究中卻最常被獵捕也提供最多生物量給幼鳥。此項結果顯示鳳頭蒼鷹成功利用都市地區常見動物作為新的食物資源,可能是牠能立足都市地區的一項適應過程。


都市地區 猛禽 生物多樣性


To explore the nestling diet of Crested Goshawk (Accipiter trivirgatus) in urban areas, we monitored a nest in the Taipei Botanical Garden from the nestling's hatching to 50 days from May to July, 2020. A surveillance camera was used to assess frequency of occurrence and biomass of prey species taken by the parents. In 1250 hrs of films, there were 152 items of food, and 9 bird species, 3 mammal species and 1 lizard species as prey were recognized. Birds appeared most frequently (accounting for 50%), among which birds of family of Columbidae accounted for half; mammals had the largest biomass (account for 58%), of which the brown rat (Rattus norvegicus) accounted for 83.2%. 150~250 g and 50~100 g were the most common prey sizes, and the two added up to 57%. Within 50 days after hatching, the parent's average daily feeding frequency and biomass were 3.0±1.6 times/d and 474.6±336.9 g/d, respectively, but there was a significant decrease in the middle and late stages. The feeding time of Crested Goshawk was within sunrise to 1 hour after sunset. From the perspective of biomass, there were obvious double peaks in the early morning and evening. The brown rat, uncommon in previous studies on the diet of Crested Goshawks, comprised the principal prey brought to the nest, both in terms of frequency of occurrence and biomass. The result indicated that utilizing a novel food resource such as a common animal in urban might be an adapting process that facilitates Crested Goshawk to colonize urban areas.


urban area raptor biodiversity
