  • 期刊


A Student with Autism Spectrum Disorder Struggling during Employment Transition




自我決策 自閉症 就業轉銜


Purpose: According to Hendricks and Wehman (2009), people with autism face considerable difficulties in the course of their employment transition, including a lack of successful transition experience, low employment rates, adjustment problems, low pay, and difficulty in getting hired. Previous studies have shown that self-determination leads to successful transition and that transitional planning is a major factor in ensuring successful employment for students with disabilities. In Taiwan, a vocational high school graduate named Wang Way faced employment transition challenges after graduating from vocational high school. After seeking the researchers' assistance, who studied Wang Way for two years as he confronted the challenges of employment transition, and the researchers assisted him in developing self-determination processes. Method: The methodology used in this study was action research, which involved observing, intervention program of self-determination skills and interviewing Wang Way, his mother, and his colleague. The researchers assisted Wang Way in implementing strategies of self-determination, self-control, and self-management. Role playing and other problem-solving strategies were also used. Findings: The results showed that (a) the cooperation of all parties involved in the study (i.e., the researchers, transitional support staff, Wang Way's mother, and his section chief of hypermarket in particular) was crucial throughout the study. (b) Wang Way's abilities in decision making, problem solving, and self-advocacy gradually increased after the researchers assisted Wang Way in confronting the challenges of his job by implementing several strategies for self-determination, which including self-control, problem solving, and self-management. (c) Wang Way's generalization ability improved because the researchers repeatedly adjusted the strategies of self-determination which contained problem-solving skills, self-management skills, decision making skills, choice-making skills, self-awareness, self-knowledge, goal-setting with attainment skills, self-advocacy skills, role playing, and the contracts which included work requirements and reinforcement. Conclusion/Implications: To ensure a smooth and successful employment transition, students with autism must rely on the collaborative efforts of schools, employment transition agencies, and their parents. School administrators should emphasize the importance of self-determination ability, which should be taught and practiced with cooperation from teachers and parents. Agency cooperation models for a community-based support system, such as that by Leheman, Clark, Bullis, Rinkin, and Castellanos (2002), and the interactive inter-agency cooperation model by Wehman (2006), emphasize that students-centered and schools with labor administration units should share resources, thus providing a valuable reference for employment transition establishments.


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