  • 期刊


Taiwanese Sign Language Receptive Skill Test for Children as An Evaluation for Elementary Level Students at Deaf Schools




Purpose: To develop a test in Taiwanese Sign Language (TSL) to be administered online. To this end, the TSL Receptive Skill Test (RST) was developed and administered to deaf students at the elementary level (grades 1-6). Methods: A previous study constructed and developed the framework and contents of the TSL-RST. After the psychometric properties of reliability and validity were established, 33 elementary students in three schools for deaf children were assessed. The test was created to identify specific linguistic structures that caused difficulties for elementary level deaf students, so that teachers could develop remediation in those areas. Results/Findings: Student testing was undertaken, and the main results of this study are as follows: 1. The online TSL-RST developed for elementary-level deaf students consists of 50 items and includes three subtests: vocabulary comprehension (n=21 items), syntax comprehension (n=20 items), and paragraph comprehension (n=9 items). The test can be completed within 25 minutes by most students. 2. This test has the psychometric properties of internal consistency, test-retest reliability, split-half reliability, and content validity. Furthermore, the results correlated significantly with nonlanguage intelligence quotient (IQ). Criterion validity was established by teacher and student evaluation of the students' sign language levels. The discriminant validity was also established, because test score results revealed that deaf students in higher grades performed better than those in lower grades did, and deaf students with deaf parents also performed better than deaf students with hearing parents did. 3. Elementary-level students had an approximately 80% correct score in vocabulary comprehension and 60% in sentence-structure comprehension and paragraph comprehension. Furthermore, the students' performance was analyzed with a student problem chart to provide suggestions. 4. Background variables which correlated significantly to the TSL-RST included parents' hearing status, grade, current age, years spent at deaf school, nonverbal IQ, the age at which hearing disability was identified, and the age at which the student began to learn sign language. Conclusions/Implications: The author suggested that teachers at deaf schools use TSL-RST annually to evaluate and track deaf students' abilities and to provide supportive teaching or services for students with TSL-related difficulties. The TSL transition program was recommended to lower grade students and new transfer students from mainstream schools. Use of a TSL expression test for children is recommended.


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