  • 期刊


Walking into a private room -A Systematic Literature Review of Definitions, Prevalence, and Challenges of Intimate Partner Sexual Violence




Sexual violence and sexual harassment are serious global public health and human rights issues. The sexual violence in intimate relationships due to the internet technology is increasing and becoming more complicated. This article introduces the concept of "sexual violence in intimate relationships". In the past, sexual violence in intimate relationships is often ignored because it is considered as a type of sexual abuse/violence. Also, the relevance of internet technology and sexual violence is underestimated. Empirical research shows that in an intimate relationship, the co-occurrence of psychical violence and sexual violence between two people is a unique form of suffering, which is differ from the form that only one appearing alone. This article uses systematic literature review in EBSCO research databases, ProQuest databases and JSTOR databases to search papers about "Intimate partner sexual violence" during 2013 to 2017. Through analyzing the words, definitions which are used by different researchers and prevalence of sexual violence in intimate relationships, it will improve the practical training of domestic violence and sexual assault prevention to social workers. Thus, there are 3 reflections that social workers are facing now during their work: (1) Awareness of conspiracy between internet technology and patriarchy. (2) You can't see it, but it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist-sexual violence in intimate relationships behind body wounds. (3) From healing to prevention-Development of interdisciplinary cooperation.


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