  • 期刊


A Study of the Development of Contemporary Bibliography in Taiwan: From Tradition to Present


中國的目錄學發展源遠流長,累積了豐富的成果。目錄學有其時代性,臺灣當代目錄之學有傳承中國古典目錄學的精華者,亦深受西方目錄學的影響。尤其,大量引進國際及歐美圖書資訊與編目的方法,用以處理華文文獻。可以說,西方的目錄思想與方法已在國內生根,成爲中國文獻目錄學不可分離的一部分。 當代舉凡分類法、編目法、主題法以及資料庫的建置等都有蓬勃的發展,而與我國古典目錄有著顯著的不同。本文首述傳統目錄學的承繼,包括:分類法的變革、仿杜威法的採行、目錄學理論的探究與專科目錄的編纂、編目法之承繼與取法西洋;次述書目控制的理念與實踐,包括:書目控制的源起與意義、書目控制的探討與實踐;其後探討書目資訊規範化的發展,包括:書目規範與標凖的研訂、機讀目錄之興盛等;再次探討網路環境下的書目控制,包括:元資料(Metadata)的興起、FRBR與RDA的發展趨勢、文獻計量學的研究;結論中歸納出:當代目錄學研究與實踐的成果、圖書館人扮演目錄工作的積極角色、當代目錄與目錄學新發展的探討等。


Chinese Bibliography has had a long history and achieved fruitful results. In each dynasty, Chinese Bibliography also has its special feature. Contemporary Bibliography in Taiwan has its heritage from Chinese tradition and the impact from western bibliography. A lot of cataloging methods especially came from international and western world using for deal with Chinese materials. We could say that the principle and method of western bibliography have migrated and become parts of Chinese bibliography. For example, classification, cataloging, subject cataloging and database establishing have developed promptly in Taiwan during several decades, which are quite different from ancient Chinese bibliography. This article firstly discusses the heritage of Chinese traditional bibliography including the changes and additions of classification scheme, the choice of emulation tables of DDC, the study of traditional Chinese Bibliography theory and compiling of Chinese bibliography, the heritage of Chinese cataloging rules and following the examples from western. Secondly, the article discusses the study of the theory and practice of bibliographic control including the origin and definition of bibliographic control, discussion on bibliographic control and it s practice. The article thirdly explores the development of the standards and rules of bibliographic information including the compiling and editing of the standards and rules of bibliographic information, the development of Chinese MARC etc. The article also discusses on the bibliographic control under the network environment including the origin of metadata, the development of FRBR and RDA, the study of bibliometrics. The article finally concludes the achievement of research and practice of contemporary bibliography in Taiwan, the role of librarian in contemporary bibliography, and the future study of catalog and contemporary bibliography in Taiwan.


