  • 期刊


Study on Interlibrary Loan Service Quality Determinants from User Experience for University Libraries




Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is the sharing of materials among libraries, be they across town or across the globe. It is a service that provides access to the collections of libraries throughout the world. From the user's satisfaction and service quality measurement, it helps to understand how users use interlibrary loan service and how they assess the service value. The objectives of the article are: (1) to explore important determinants of service quality on interlibrary loan based user experience; (2) to investigate user needs ofinterlibrary loan service from university faculty and graduate students; (3) to investigate user experience of interlibrary loan service from university faculty and graduate students; (4) to study user satisfaction and value opinions from interlibrary loan librarian on users experience. With three focus group interviews held, 16 respondents of university faculty and graduate students as well as interlibrary loan librarians were invited to discuss their use experience of interlibrary loan service and important determinants on ILL service quality. Based on focus interviews, service quality determinants on interlibrary loan for university libraries in the study are developed, consisting of three dimensions of ILL service requests, ILL information provision, and effect of services with 20-item scale.


Association of Research Libraries (2015). LibQual+. Retrieved from https://www.libqual.org/home
Atwater-singer, M.(2011).Interlibrary loan satisfaction survey at the University of Evansville.Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve.21(5),227-233.


王梅玲(2016)。A Study on the Assessment of Service Quality of Interlibrary Loan圖書資訊學刊14(2),59-92。https://doi.org/10.6182/jlis.2016.14(2).059
