  • 期刊


Crossing Three Centuries - Roaming through Taiwan Ancient Map The Activation and Application of Taiwan Aboriginal Map


國立臺灣圖書館典藏了一幅珍貴的古地圖,名為《臺灣番社圖》,是已知現存清代最早單幅彩繪卷軸之一的臺灣全圖,東南科技大學研究團隊嘗試以3D 展示臺灣古地圖,建構《臺灣番社圖》的3D 視覺動態影像及3D VR 虛擬實境,將圖中內容製成動畫,帶領觀眾穿梭於臺灣三百年前的時空環境中,讓先民的社會生活風貌活現眼前,對民眾瞭解臺灣早期環境變遷,極具震撼力及教育意義。為增強對這幅國寶地圖的認識,爰製作系列解讀臺灣早期古地圖、開發史及清初文獻之數位教材及推廣工作坊,充實民眾對臺灣早期環境的認知,啟發對古地圖及早期文獻的閱讀興趣,並利用3D VR 虛擬實境,活化展現先民的社會生活風貌。由於近年來大眾對典藏文物運用新媒體展演的接受及認同度提高,藉由數位典藏資訊公開與行動載具日新月異,將能驅動文化經濟,亦可整合成商業模式,成為文創產業發展的新契機。


There is a precious ancient map collected in the National Taiwan Library, named Taiwan Aboriginal Map, which is an earliest known existing single painted scrolls full map of Taiwan in the Qing Dynasty. Tungnan University research team tried to present this map in 3D, constructing 3D visual motion image and 3D VR virtual reality of Taiwan Aboriginal Map, making the content in the map an animation, to lead the audiences roaming in time and space environment of Taiwan three hundred years ago. Let the social life style of ancestors be vivid in front of us. It is full of impact and meaning of education for people to understand the early environmental change of Taiwan. To enhance the knowledge of this national treasure map, we produced series digital teaching materials and promotion workshop for the interpretation of Taiwan early ancient map, history of development, and the early Qing Dynasty literature, to enrich people's cognition of Taiwan's early environment, to inspire the interest in ancient map and in reading early literature, and to activate the historical creation of the ancestors. In recent years the acceptance and recognition of using new media to present the collection of cultural relics has been lifted. It will become a new opportunity for the development of the cultural and creative industries, through digital collection information disclosure to propel culture and economy, and to integrate into business mode.


詹素娟(2007)。舊文獻 新發現:臺灣原住民歷史文獻解讀。臺北市:日創社文化事業有限公司。
