  • 期刊


Making Reading Everywhere: The Flipping of the Physical Service Channels of Taiwan's Public Libraries




In the digital age, public libraries began to face the need for transformation, and the physical service channels of libraries also start to flip. Libraries use various methods to change concepts and strategies, break through the limitations of time and place, and create different physical service channels. This article describes how public libraries in Taiwan have flipped their physical service channels. It also summarizes several characteristics, including the use of advantages in different industries for strategic alliances, joint public and private agencies for cross-border cooperation, pursuing social resources to innovate, linking people's daily consumption, developing potential customers, and providing active services. In response to the future service trends of flexibility and convenience, this article also proposes that public libraries should use technology to innovate service channels, integrate virtual and actual channels to build service brands, pay attention to surveys and analysis to respond to customer needs, and pass on the new resources and services after the transformation. It is hoped that by flipping the physical service channels, Taiwan's public libraries can truly enter the lives of the people and allow reading everywhere.


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王朝鈺( 2017 年5 月2 日)。基隆借書不限圖書館, 開放七處預約取書。檢自http://www.cna.com.tw/news/aloc/201705020286-1.aspx
呂筱蟬( 2017 年9 月6 日)。桃市圖全自動借書站啟用 機捷站可借還書。檢自https://udn.com/news/story/7324/2686089
