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Books After the Postmodern Era




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In the era of artificial intelligence and speedy communication, ancient books will be appearing in a new form and face new challenges in the digital environment. This article will explore the form, function and role of the books in the future, and also the change of information access by focusing on three aspects, the books and reading in the future of science and technology, the learning and thinking of the future world, the creation and dissemination of the future generations. The learning and thinking model of human beings will therefore be reconstructed. Creation of works in the future generations will be ubiquitous and works could be found anywhere based on the concept of freedom and autonomy. In the meantime, the access of ancient books will not be limited to its original context, the problem between simplified and traditional Chinese characters will be easily resolved, and the annotations, dictionaries and translations could provide timely assistance. It becomes a reality for the conversion of the words, sounds and images even though they are in various languages. Moving towards a new milestone of reading, the meaning of notes and interpretations of the traditional ancient books and classics must be redefined.


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西漢・董仲舒。精華。在春秋繁露。檢自中國哲學書電子化計劃 https://ctext.org/dictionary.pl?if=gb&id=22897
東漢・何休。春秋公羊傳。檢自維基文庫 https://zh.wikisource.org/zh-hant/%E6%98%A5%E7%A7%8B%E5%85%AC%E7%BE%8A%E5%82%B3%E8%A8%BB%E7%96%8F/%E5%BA%8F
中華書局(無年代)。辜鴻銘英譯經典:論語(中英雙語評述本)。檢自 http://www.zhbc.com.cn/zhsj/pad/book/bookforeword.html?bookid=402885965a45f5b1015ab1aaa68f0663
王傳龍(2017)。孔子「民可使由之」句的二十二種訓釋。檢自 https://www.rujiazg.com/article/14563
王蔚(2016)。「民可使由之不可使知之」句意辨析。檢自 http://big.hi138.com/zhexue/guoxue/200601/13086.asp
