  • 期刊


Perceived Control of Time as a Moderator of the Health Impairment Process: A Temporal Perspective of the Job Demands-Resources Theory




Considering the fast-paced and compact working style of contemporary life, this study explored the effect of time-related job demands on job performance, and it further explored the mediating role of job burnout as well as the moderating role of perceived control of time based on the job demands-resources theoretical model (JD-R model). By integrating the concept of temporal personal resources with that of time-related job demands, a temporal perspective was adopted and applied with a moderated mediation model to comprehensively explore the buffer effect of perceived control of time on the health impairment process described by the temporal JD-R model, that is, the relationships between job demand, job burnout, and job performance. Using a questionnaire method, data on 221 supervisor-subordinate dyads were collected. Results indicated that time-related job demand influenced burnout, which, in turn, influenced job performance. In addition, perceived control of time had negative moderating effects not only on the relationship between time-related job demands and burnout but also on the mediation of burnout between time-related job demands and job performance. This study adds to the literature by highlighting perceived control of time as a promising personal resource for determining employees' job performance. Future research is necessary to explore and validate the temporal JD-R model.


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