  • 期刊





For long Taiwanese companies have been investing in mainland China in order to cope with the ever increasing needs for globalization. Even so Articles 24 and 25 of "the Act Governing Relations between the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area" already allows Taiwanese companies to deduct foreign taxes paid before in Mainland China, nevertheless inter alia the inconsistent definitions of the terms 'domicile' and 'residence' in Taiwanese and Chinese tax laws respectively still frequently cause severe double taxation issues. Moreover, Taiwan and China to date do not exchange any information on taxable income nor other issues relevant to taxation, so the Taiwan Internal Revenue Service has no possibility at all to verify the actual income from mainland Chinese sources declared by Taiwan businessmen, the lack of which actually leads to numerous attempts to escape or shorten tax dues in Taiwan. In order to address and resolve this unsatisfactory situation, after six years of cross-strait summit consultation and communication between Taiwan and China, finally on August 25, 2015 the agreement on "Cross-Straits Double Tax Avoidance and Strengthening Tax Cooperation" (hereinafter: the "Agreement" and the "Cross-Strait Tax Agreement" respectively) was finally signed. The agreements foremost principle is based on "avoiding double taxation and strengthening tax cooperation". The research therefore focuses on an in-depth analysis of the specific arrangements and provisions of said agreement, notably regarding the rules of mutual profit attribution, dividend taxation as well as the recognition of individual labor income. This research strives to provide a final assessment to what extent the "Cross-Strait Tax Agreement" succeeds to effectively address and solve the present problems related to double taxation between Taiwan and China.


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