  • 期刊


The legal procedures for Anonymous data-Taking Japan as the research object


近年因資訊通信技術(ICT)快速進步,資料記憶裝置巨量化、廉價化,人們運用自各處電子端末裝置或機器,如個人電腦、智慧型手機,監視攝影機等,大量蒐集個人行動履歷、網路上閱覽記錄、位置 資料(GPS)、健康狀態等資料,並利用Hadoop.R語言等開放源碼之軟體程式,將龐大數量資料分散於複數之伺服器或雲端,依大數據運算作快速之分析、處理,再將其結果活用在創新產業或有效率之行銷、提供新服務等。而各國政府亦高度重視大數據之利用價值,期待能活用以進行有效率之行政管理或預防災害,或做為擬定國家發展政策時之參據,以提升國家之競爭力等。但,如此蒐集所得大數據資料群中,往往包含大量有價值之各種個人資料(下稱個資),如生活履歷(life log)資料及健康保險等醫療紀錄等,其被濫用、洩漏之風險相對提高,若未能建立法制確實規範將對個人隱私等權益造成重大威脅。故如何讓個資在當事人權利、利益不受損害之安全狀態下,又能被活用以符合國家及產業之需求,為個資法面臨之重要議題,亦為日本2015年修訂個資法之重要部分。本文即以日本修正之個資法,針對匿名加工資料之制度,做介紹以說明國家為發展大數據運用為目標時,日本所建構之法律制度,可供我國參考之處。


Reexamination the scope of Personal Data in the Big Data era-Learn from Japan Personal information, considering it should be carefully handled under the vision of respecting the personality of an individual, shall be made subject to proper handling. But base on the Big data operation recently, people can collect, practical use, and analysis a large amount of personal data quickly. The results are used in medical search, marketing, or formulate government policies. Because it will pose a threat to personal privacy, because they are often the second use of personal data, the Individual can't foresee the matter. Not only make the Individual feel uneasy, so that individuals may suffer the loss of rights and interests also. How to make sure that Individuals are in control of their personal data, on the otherhand, by operation of the big data, personal data can be utilized in industrial innovation, medical advance, or the development of national polices. It is also an important part of Japan's revision Protection of Personal Information in 2015. This article is based on the Japanese revised law, an introduction to the system of anonymous processing of data, to explain the country's legal system for the development of big data, Japan's legal system, for our reference.


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