  • 期刊






The development and innovation of medical equipment are closely linked to the maintenance of public health. Especially with an aged society in Taiwan as background, the chances to come in contact with medical equipment is accordingly increased. On the other hand, medical equipment is not guaranteed to be operated properly or absolutely safe. Thereby, regarding the implication of medical equipment triggering elements of civil liability for damages, more detailed discussions are necessary. In this manner, when calculating potential costs incurred from investment into the medical equipment industry, significant benefits can be gained. In this context, consideration on the existence of defect is quite an important aspect when examining relevant civil liability for damages. The present text takes legal issues and views suggested in response to problems arising from lawsuits due to pacemakers, heart defibrillators, and other such medical equipment faced by both the German Court and the Court of Justice of the European Union as the center, introduces step by step the concept of defect and suspicion of defect of medical equipment, and organizes views on the interaction between the two, so as to slightly assist our nation in deepening the issue under the combination of fields of law and medical equipment.


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朱柏松,附錄:德國缺陷產品責任法草案,載於:商品製造人侵權行為責任法之比較研究,五南,1991 年 5 月,頁 385-389。
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