  • 期刊


The Effectiveness of the Rehabilitation Nursing Protocol on Knowledge of Self-care and Progress of Functional Activity for the Patients Undergone Hip Replacement Patients



對接受髖關節置換手術病患,臨床上尚缺乏合適的復健護理措施,以至於手術陸病患因缺乏足夠的知識處理日常生活的問題,而發生置入物脫位、感染、疼痛或長期的髖關節活動受限、肌肉無力、異常步態等合併症。因此,實施具體的復健護理方案以幫助病患早日恢復獨立活動的能力是值得深入探討的。本研究目的即探討施行復健護理方案對自我照顧認知、活動功能進展的影響。研究採準實驗設計,70位接受髖關節置換術病患按次分派至實驗組與對照組各35人,實驗組接受復健護理方案,對照組接受病房常規護理。 研究結果顯示:1.實驗組比對照組顯著的增加自我照顧的認知程度。2.獨立完成下床站立、坐於床緣、平躺到坐起、坐馬桶、輔助器走30公尺、上下一層樓梯等六項特殊活動實驗組約需3.6~4.6天比對照組5.37~6.42天短。3.六項特殊活動功能的完成率實驗組爲88.57~100%比對照組17.14~82.86%高。4.實驗組於手術後5天內完成各項活動功能,即可於隔日出院,住院日數實驗組(5天)比對照組(6.6天)縮短1.6日。


There are no appropriate rehabilitation nursing interventions for the patients undergone hip replacement in the clinical settings. Luck of self-core knowledge might lead to the complications of prosthetic dislocation, infection, pain, continued range of mat ion limitation, muscles weakness of hip and gait disorder on the patients. Therefore, the affective rehabilitation nursing protocol for restoring the independent functional activities needed to be explored. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of on Rehabilitation Nursing Protocol on the self-care knowledge end progress of functional activity. A Quasi-experimental design was conducted in this study. Seventy patients undergone hip replacement were consecutively assigned to one of experimental (n=35) or control (n=35) group. The Rehabilitation Nursing Protocol, was implemented on experimental group whereas control group received conventional routine nursing care. The results showed that; (1) Experimental group had greeter improvement in self-care knowledge than control group. (2) The days to demonstrate 6 critical function activities were shorter on experimental group (3.4~4.6 days) than control group (5.37~6.42 days). (3) The performed rates of 6 critical function activities were higher on experimental group (88.57~100%) than control group (17.1.86%). (4) Experimental group reached 6 critical function activities within 5 days after surgery. Length of stay decreased 1.6 days on experimental group (5 days) than compared to group (6.6 days).


