  • 期刊


The Effect of Pelvic Floor Muscular Exercise on the Micturition of the Patients Undergone Transurethral Resection of Prostate



前列腺肥大阻塞膀胱出口,患者需接受經尿道前列腺切除銜(TURP)以解決其阻塞問題。手術後在導尿管拔除後,患者會有頻尿、急尿、滴尿等小便控制差等現象,患者常爲此而心情似落,因此如何協助患者早日擭得正常排尿是一個重要課題。本研究目的即是探討骨盆底肌肉運動對物TuRP術後病人解尿間隔時間、尿失禁程度、尿流速程度與生活滿意度的影響。本研究採準實驗法,以立意取樣選取某醫學中心75位TURP病人,分派實驗組、對照Ⅰ組與對照Ⅱ組各25人。實驗組教導執行骨盆底肌肉運動,並以衛教手冊說明,而對照組只接受常規護理。 研究結果顯示:1.三組病人基本屬性資料無顯著差異;2.執行骨盆底肌肉運動,實驗組病人出院後延長解尿間隔時間比對照Ⅰ組爲早(第l週vs第3週);3.執行骨盆底肌肉運動後,實驗組病人尿失禁程度較對照Ⅰ組明顯改善;4.執行骨盆底肌肉運動後,兩組(實驗組、對照Ⅰ組)病人在尿流速改變程度未達顯著差異:5.執行骨盆噸肌肉運動的實驗組病人,在社會層面的滿意度比對照Ⅰ組好;另外在情緒層面、性關係細面,生活整體滿意度則無顯著差異。 由此可見,針對TURP術後有排尿問題病人執行骨盆底肌肉運動,可延長解尿間隔時間、減輕尿失禁症狀與增加病人社會層面之生活滿意度。


BPH can induce the obstruction of bladder outlet, Many patients need to resolve their obstructive problem by receiving the surgery of Transurethral resection prostate (TURP). However some patients will experience (he symptoms of urinary frequency, urgency, dripping etc. after removing the Foley tube. There-fore, it is very important to help the patient resolving the urinary problem after surgery. The purposes of this study were to explore tie effect of pelvic floor muscule exercise (PFME) on the intervoiding interval, uroflowmetry, urinary incontinence and satisfaction of life of the TURP patients. A Quasi-experiment study was designed and 75 patients were consecutively assigned to experimental group (EG, N=25), control group Ⅰ (CG Ⅰ, N=25) and control group Ⅱ (CG Ⅱ, N=25). The PFME was implemented on EG whereas CG received routine care. The results indicated as follows: (1) There was no significant difference in demographic data among three groups. (2) EG presented on improved intervoiding interval than CG Ⅰ (one week Vs three week). (3) EG presented a less degree of urinary incontinence than CG Ⅰ. (4) There was no significant difference in uroflowmetry between two groups. (5) EQ presented a better of social dimension than CG Ⅰ. However, there was no significant difference in emotion, sexuality and total life satisfaction dimensions between two group. The results of this study indicated that the pelvic floor muscle exercise was an effective nursing intervention for TURP patients in clinical setting.
