  • 期刊


The Effectiveness of Pressure Sore Risk Factor Instrument in a Medical Word



由於社會經濟發達及生活水凖提高,使得人民的平均壽命普遍延長,老年人及慢性病人數的增加,是必然的現象,而壓瘡的發生更成爲許多慢性病患最常見的合併症。臨床護理人員如能早期評估住院病患之壓瘡高危險因子,適時提供其個別性的預防措施,將有助於避免壓瘡之形成。如此一來,除能提供病患更佳之護理照護品質外,亦可減少醫療成本之花費。 本專案調查86年度內科病患特性中發現:內科病患中有62.2%的老年病患其無法完成自我照護活動,須仰賴他人協助,且經問卷調查結果得知:護理人員對於壓瘡高危險因子及預防措施之認知普遍偏低,故藉由「壓瘡高危險群評估表」的運用及人員教育等方式,確實有效提昇人員對壓瘡高危險因子與預防措施之認知與執行,降低了內科住院病患壓瘡發生率達0.18‰。


壓瘡 高危險群 內科病患


After the industrialization and western style modernization in Taiwan in the recent decades, the average life span of the population was extended. At the same time, the number of elderly patients and chronic diseases (e. g. hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease, and stroke) increased, too. A portion of this special group of patients will be unable to live alone or take care by themselves. Now, these become a major concern in the national health care and also medical cost. Pressure sore (or decubitus ulcre) is one of the most common problems ing chronic-ill patient that are bed ridden. It is also an important nursing problem. Training every nursing care providers to have the ability of recognizing the risk factors for developing pressure sore and to prevent ots occur is reasonable. This program will give better quality on nursing care and will save medical resource. In our project for the medical patient at l997, showed that 62.2% of elderly inpatients were bed ridden. Their living depend on care providers. Our project also pointed out the ability of the nursing providers to recognize the risk factors of pressure sore, was not satisfied. After realizing te above facts, we educated the providers and used a new form to evaluate the risk factors fo pressure sore. The new progrma showed significant promotion in their ability. The incidence rate of pressure sore was also decreased to 0.18 0/00.
