  • 期刊


To Evaluate the Needs of Patients' Families and Their Satisfaction during Operative Period



本研究是爲了瞭解手術病患家屬,於病息手術期間對等候環境、醫護人員服務方面的「需求」和「滿意」情形以及可能影響家屬需求的因素。本研究問卷係參考陳敏麗、吳素蘭(民85)設計之「手術病患家屬需求量表」,再依本研究目的做修改及信、效度測試,使符合研究調查。於87年10月1日至88年5月31日,共取得有效樣本101份。以百分比、平均數、標準差、ANOVA等方法,做資料的統計及分析。 研究結果發現:病患家屬在四大類需求中,以「得到病患訊息」需求的重要程度爲最高,得分爲4.42(總分爲5);而以「得到支持及安慰」較低。家屬對「需求」之滿意程度也是以「得到病患訊息」方面的得分較高,得分爲3.20(總分爲5);以「與病患相處」方面的得分較低,病患家屬的年齡及病患手術科別與「得到支持及安慰」之需求呈顯著差異,而教育程度與「得到病患訊息」之需求亦呈顯著差異;同時,病患家屬的教育程度及職業與總滿意度有顯著差異。病患家屬在「與病患相處」需求之滿意情形與「得到支持及安慰」之需求呈正相關。因此,由本研究結果找出病患家屬最想得到之需求爲何?且由手術室護理服務之滿意度結果,以作爲手術護理服務改善參考。


病患家屬 需求 滿意度


The purpose of this study is to investigate the needs and the degree of satisfaction of patient' families towards the facilities provide in waiting area outside the operating rooms, the services provided by medical personnel and to find out the factors affecting their needs and degree of satisfaction. Basically, the questionnaire used was modified from Chen's method in order to fulfill the characteristics of the present study. The study began in 1 October 1998 and ended in 31 March 1999. And we obtained 101 sets of data for statistical analysis. The results showed that ”the status of patients” during operative period was the most important need among the four major needs of patients' families and the score was 4.42/S. While the needs for ”support and console” was the lowest. The degree of satisfaction towards the information concerning the status of patients provide was highest and the score was 3.20/S. While ”accompanying with patients” the lowest degree of satisfaction. The needs for ”support and console” were significantly different among different age groups of patients' families and among different types of surgery. The needs for knowing the ”status of patients” was significantly different among different education level groups. The degree of satisfaction was significantly different among different education level and occupations of patients' families towards. The degree of satisfaction of patient' families towards ”accompanying with patient” was positively correlated with the needs for ”support and console”. Our results revealed the most important needs of patients' families and the different degree of satisfaction towards our services provided. We will improve our nursing services based on the results obtained.


patients' families needs satisfaction


