  • 期刊


Bone Mass Density and Its Related Factors of Women Participating in Community Health Screening Program


本研究的目的旨在探討參與社區健康篩檢婦女之骨質密度與年齡、是否停經、日常生活主要姿勢、定期健康檢查、生育子女數、身體質量指數及生活型態箏之關係。以參與南部某社區健康篩檢活動中之208位婦女爲研究對象,以自擬問卷收集人口學基本資料及相關生活型態,使用定量超音波骨質密度儀爲骨質密度到量工具。 結果發現:受檢婦女有33.18%呈骨質密度減少情形,有18.75%達到骨質疏鬆症判定標凖。在停經者裡,喝茶習慣者、喝咖啡者箏生活型態與骨質密度多寡有顯著關係存在;在未停經之婦女裡,不同生活型態者間的骨質密度並無顯著不同;在不控制是否停經變項下,喝茶習慣、服用維他命、生育子女數、年齡、日常生活主要活動姿勢、停經箏六因素均與骨質密度有關。年齡、日常生活主要活動姿勢爲預測罹患骨質疏鬆症的風險因子,每增加十歲罹患骨質疏鬆症的勝算比爲2.702倍,日常活動姿勢爲坐姿者罹患骨質疏鬆症的勝算比爲站姿者的15.225倍。


This study examined the bone mass density (BMD) of women who participated in community health screening program, and explored factors associated with it, including age, menopausal status, main daily body posture, number of health examination, parity, body mass index, and life styles. Two hundred and eight women attended screening program and their BMD were evaluated by quantitative ultrasound. The results showed that 33.18% of the women were at reduced BMD status and 18.75% met the criteria of osteoporosis. The habits of drinking tea and coffee were significantly associated with BMD among postmenopausal women. Life style factors were not associated with BMD among premenopausal women. Tea drinking, vitamin taking, parity, age, main daily body posture, and menopause status were significant associated with BMD. The results of logistic regression showed that age and main daily body posture were the factors associated with osteoporosis. The chance of osteoporosis increased 2.7 times per 10 years increases in age and increased 15.22 times comparing sitting daily body posture with standing daily body posture.
