  • 期刊


Health Status of Taiwanese Working in Mainland China


本研究目的在利用SF-36健康到量量表問卷調查探討臺灣企業派駐大陸工作人員的身心健康狀況,及其影響自覺身心健康因素,針對在大陸工作的台商爲研究對象,共取得44份的問卷。本文將進一步根據人口社會學特徵進行分組對比,暸解在大陸台商身心健康問題集中、多發群體。資料採用Excel輸入電腦,使用SPSS 10.0 for windows套裝軟體進行百分比、平均值、標凖差、單因數分析及相關分析箏,統計分析調查資料,得出對台商身心健康影響的因素。研究結果顯示一些人口社會學特徵和生活習慣影響了臺灣派駐大陸人員的自覺身心健康狀況,如性別、實際工作時數、參與運動狀況、吸煙與否、等。與普通人群相比,教育程度、婚姻狀況、宗教、慢性病史對於台商群體自覺健康所起的作用不明顯。台商所屬公司和醫療機構應該更多的關注台商的身心健康狀況和醫療條件,爲他們提供有相對性的服務。


The purpose of this research was to evaluate the physical and mental health status of Taiwan businessmen working in mainland China and its associated factors. Forty-four eligible subjects were recruited in this study and their health status was evaluated by SF-36 questionnaire. The results showed that gender, daily working hours, participation in sports, and smoking habit were associated with the health status. Education, marital status, religion, and history of chronic diseases were not associated with health status. Employers of Taiwan businessmen working in mainland China should take good care of employees' physical and mental health status as well as provide them with adequate health services.
