  • 期刊


The Application of Cognitive Behavior Therapy in the Patients with Schizophrenia


幻覺、妄想往往影響精神分裂症患者的思考過程、知覺、行爲及生活品質,臨床上如何協助精神分裂症患者改善生活中受幻覺、妄想症狀干擾是很重要的議題。本文介紹Ellis ABC認知理論,並就認知行爲治療應用於精神分裂症患者施行步驟進行說明。ABC認知理論中,妄想被視爲是信念,幻覺則視爲促發事件,故認知行爲治療乃針對病患受妄想、幻覺刺激後的錯誤信念進行介入,運用包括使用不良功能認知紀錄修正患者的自動化思考,現實測試法檢視證據,尋找替代性的思考,強化認知改變等方法以改善妄想、幻聽干擾。期望本文能提供臨床精神科護理人員相關認知行爲治療概念,進而提供更好的照護品質。


Hallucination and delusion usually affect the emotion, thinking process, behaviors, and quality of life of a schizophrenic patient. Therefore, assisting patients with schizophrenia has become an important task for health care providers. This article aims to introduce the theory of Ellis' ABC model. The contents include principles of Ellis' ABC model and eight basic steps from assessment to intervention. According to the theory of Ellis' ABC model, delusion refers to the beliefs, and hallucination refers to the triggering event. The use of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) in treating schizophrenic patients includes identifying the automatic thought with dysfunctional thought record, by using reality testing to look at the evidence, through the thinking process to discover alternative thinking, and reducing delusion finally. This article could provide theory of CBT and practical strategies to hallucination and delusion for mental health nurses in caring patients with schizophrenia and provision of better care for patients with schizophrenia.
